Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Waitrose Strategic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Waitrose Strategic Analysis - Essay Example Honesty and straightforwardness is likewise seen as critical in the vital arranging of Waitrose. The vision of Waitrose in actualizing its vital activities is focused on creating an incentive for its workers and furthermore for its different partners by rendering due hugeness to straightforwardness and respectability in its business tasks. In its vision explanation, the organization additionally expresses that representatives are blessed to receive be the proprietors of Waitrose where due thought is given towards their consideration in the dynamic procedure (Waitrose, 2013). In its statement of purpose, Waitrose further accentuates to make a distinction by rendering quality confirmation to its clients producing more prominent brand an incentive in its focused on showcase. In its crucial, organization likewise expects to work in association with huge brands in the business. To be exact, making a solid serious condition and through better asset allotment, the organization plans to convey its administrations to its clients through viable valuing which makes sure about its hierarchical advantages just as the interests of its partners (Waitrose, 2013). Waitrose, 2013. The Waitrose Difference. About Waitrose. [Online] Available at: http://www.waitrose.com/content/waitrose/en/home/about_waitrose/our_company/the_waitrose_difference.html [Accessed March 04,

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Miles sorry, madam! Review Essay Example

Miles sorry, madam! Audit Paper Exposition on Miles sorry, madam! Vasily Shukshin an astonishing individual, liberally talented commonly, fine feeling of the awfulness of human presence and ready to joke, even through tears, even on the edge of the pit geezer who doesn't live like every other person, who needs the entire world to paint and make happy. who doesn't comprehend why he dislike ordinary, typical individuals submitted their accounts VM Shukshin. They Crank, soul smell that in the town of individuals better nezanosistey, and they long for excellence in all things: stove white, dull razrisuy, prams childrens eyes are troubled to uncover And for reasons unknown, flawlessly, on prams Crank let cranes rush zone, at the base the blossoms are distinctive kitchen herbs, several guys, tsyplyatok But no one comprehends, doesn't cheer. Furthermore, creeps into the spirit aching But for what reason am I there? Also, no reaction from the writer nor the peruser We will compose a custom article test on Miles sorry, madam! Audit explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Miles sorry, madam! Survey explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Miles sorry, madam! Survey explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer But imagination Shukshin the songs of devotion this geezer:. What's more, the story Give us a heart! vetfeldshera about Kazulin, glad as of now since he played out the primary heart medical procedure ,; and Microscope star woodworker Erin, purchased on poslednik cash dorogushchy gadget, and Space, the sensory system and Shmat fat, which recounts a question kid captivated by science, with the retired person Naum Yevstigneyevich that struck indispensable accomplishment Pavlov so now, mature age, prepared to rethink zhizennye PRINCIPLES. Shukshin legend is lost in this life, it is the city didn't, and the town is from its underlying foundations, reluctant to fall off. That is its awfulness, when the spirit is torn in two when excruciating to live. However, the life of a geezer like and acknowledge, until there is quality. What's more, what an incredibly open Vasyl Kravchuk chief, which dissimilar to the others, with its topic of an erudite person, a genuine ace. It is a pity, presently it is nearly no one peruses. Individuals, individuals Clever you individuals, and don't have the foggiest idea how to live. What is there to include?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Myths About Masturbation in Relationships

Myths About Masturbation in Relationships Relationships Print Myths About Masturbation in Relationships By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Updated on January 27, 2020 Brand New Images/Creative RF/Getty More in Relationships Spouses & Partners LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Masturbation is still a challenging topic for many to talk about. Even in the closest of romantic relationships, there may be struggles in regards to this subject matter. The most frequent qualm people have about this is knowing that their partner still masturbates despite regular sexual relationships together. However, it is not unusual for people to masturbate in addition to regular sex with their partners. Unfortunately, numerous myths still exist in our culture with respect to masturbation.   What Are Some of the Myths (And Truths) About Masturbation? There are many myths about masturbation. What you need to know is that masturbation is okay as long as it does not interfere with your sexual intimacy with your partner. Masturbation in and of itself does not contribute to any known physical, mental or medical problems.   Masturbation carries no risk of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy and research suggests that it may actually have both sexual and emotional benefits.??   The Truth About Masturbation Masturbation does not cause hairy palms.Masturbation does not make your eyesight go bad or cause you to go blind.Masturbation does not cause acne.Masturbation will not cause your penis to shrink.Masturbation will not make you go insane.Masturbation does not cause cancer.Masturbation will not make you infertile or sterile.??Masturbation will not turn you into a pervert.Masturbation will not give you an STD.??Masturbation is not self-abuse.Masturbation is not a steppingstone to the homosexual lifestyle.Masturbation is not unnatural.Masturbation will not hinder your social and emotional developmentMasturbation is not infidelity. Other Common Word or Phrases for Masturbation Play with oneselfJerk off or whack offSelf-stimulatePleasure oneself Some Other Points About Masturbation People still masturbate when they are in long-term relationships such as marriage.??Most people are embarrassed about masturbation due to all of the negative and mixed messages received about doing this behavior.  Everyone masturbates in different amounts. There is no right or wrong number.Masturbation is a problem if it interferes with day to day life or if it is used as a substitute for real intimacy with another person.Masturbation can help you learn what you like and dont like sexually and how you need to be stimulated (especially for women).??Masturbation is sometimes used to relieve tension.  People often use pornography to masturbate. Again, this is only a problem if it interferes with day to day life and your sexual relationship with your partner.  It is up to you whether or not you tell your spouse or partner that you masturbate.You may have a problem with masturbating too much if you cant achieve orgasm with your partner through intercourse (nonmanual stimulation).   If you believe you may have a problem with masturbation based on what you have just read, you can seek out the help of a sex therapist. The therapist can work with you alone or with you and your partner to iron out any concerns you might be struggling with.   Keep in mind that masturbation is normal and healthy despite the negative messages you may have received from your family of origin. People who have sexual hang-ups have likely heard many negative messages from their family or a religious institution about masturbation. These messages are difficult to change, but it is not impossible. It is also worth the effort to change the negative messages so that you can enjoy a fulfilling sex life with your partner. Furthermore, as long as you can maintain a healthy and satisfying emotional and physical romantic relationship, you do not have to be concerned about masturbating. How to Keep Your Sex Life Healthy in Marriage

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The War Of The United States Army - 1326 Words

Many stories are told throughout history with a flourish and twinkle in the eye. From tales of the Roman Empire and its long suffering fall to revolutions sparked around the globe that ignite a sense of patriotism and independence in its citizens, from France to Vietnam. A story that is passed down from generation to generation, though, is the story of the Screaming Eagles, or the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Army, and no other time is more ripe for storytelling about these brave men, these Band of Brothers from the 506th Infantry Regiment, than World War II. From simple beginnings in western Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia and New York and Arkansas, to training camp in Georgia, we hear the stories of desperately young men transformed by war, by death and destruction and small pieces of glittering hope, and we laud their bravery, their sacrifice, and their determination. Who exactly are these Band of Brothers, and what did they do that contributed so heavily to thei r god-like status then and now? From Camp Toccoa in Georgia to the beaches of Normandy, the bitterly cold forests of Belgium, the small towns of Amsterdam, and finally to the heartland of the Third Reich, these raucous, courageous, honorable men shaped each part of the war they attended, and their legacy lives on through story and media today. Formation of the Screaming Eagles To better understand the significance the 101st airborne played to the war, it is imperative to understand theShow MoreRelatedThe War Of 1812 And The United States Army Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesThe Army began its linage on June 14, 1775, when the Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army in order to combine the 13 American colonies and fight the British forces (). 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Leadership Styles Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2342 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Tags: Leadership Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Leadership is easily one of the most sought after and best-rewarded talents in the corporate world, politics and other spheres of life. A 1998 study by McKinsey Company involving upwards of 6000 executives drawn from 77 organisations, coupled by case studies of 20 â€Å"talent-rich† organisations, established that up to 75% of companies were chronically short of leadership. The study projected that the demand for intelligent, sophisticated, globally astute, technologically literate and operationally flexible talents would remain a challenge for decades to come (Chambers et al, 1998). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Leadership Styles Essay Online For Free" essay for you Create order With the rapid expansion of the global economy and heightened international competition for scarce talents, coupled by rapid and unpredictable changes in operating environments, the need for leadership has never been greater. Yet, the nature and function of leadership remains one of the most dynamic and subjective concepts that has defied centuries of theoretical thought, research, practice and interest (Chamber et al, 1998, p.274). Among the outstanding issues remains whether leadership is an innate ability or can be learnt like any other skill. While this paper does not presume to have found the answer, it argues that leadership is a skill that can be achieved through effort, training, education, practice and experience (Swaroop Prasad, 2013). The Leadership Concept In order to understand leaderships nature and whether it is innate or acquired, it is helpful to separate different conceptions of leadership, while at once setting out how it differs from concepts of coercion, management and power. Over the recent decades, there have been more than 65 classification systems, developed to define varied and changing dimensions of leadership (Rowe, 2007). Rowe (2007) and Northhouse (2007) conceive leadership as a focus of multiple group processes, effectively giving a leader a critical role in shaping the groups will, activity and change. Accordingly, leadership is a process by which a person influences a group to attain a desired goal. The process perspective argues that leadership is a contextual phenomenon that arises from the interactions between the followers and leaders. It is clearly observable in a leaders behaviour, and as such, it can be acquired by others. In addition, leadership is a multi-directional/interactive effort that involve s a measure of influence to direct the energies of a group towards serving a mutual purpose (Northhouse, 2007). Rowe (2007) defines leadership as â€Å" a process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to achieve shared objectives † (p. 1). On the other hand, the trait perspective of leadership conceives leadership as a characteristic or set of characteristics possessed in different degrees by people (Northhouse, 2007). Effectively, leadership resides in a select few individuals who are born with such traits. This approach emphasises individual leadership qualities such as motives, personality, skills and values. Further, there is a difference between assigned and emergent leadership. Assigned leadership refers to the appointment of people to authority positions, whether or not they have the capacity to lead (Connelly Rudnick, 2001; Kotter, 2011). Given the fact that organisations in the United States suffer from chronic leadership shortages (Chambers et al, 1998), it is highly likely that the tendency to assign people to leadership positions without considering their leadership capacity is mainly responsible for the lack of leadership. In part, this is explains the leadership shortages in Chambers, et al (1998). The shortages do not imply there are vacancies, but that important leadership positions are occupied by individuals without leadership capacity. It is easy to equate leadership to assigned position holders such as presidents, queens and mayors, but these positions can filled by bad or great leaders. There are individuals in villages, kindergarten classrooms, far-flung communities and even among animals, away from the cameras and public attention, with or without formal leadership positions, who perform leadership roles. Most of these people are emergent/situational leaders, who are perceived and accepted as mo st influential members of their respective communities, groups or organisations (Rowe, 2007; Northhouse, 2007). According to the social identity theory, emergent leadership is dependent on how well individuals fit with the groups identity as a whole (Rowe, 2007). Effectively, the nature versus nurture debate regarding leadership comes down to the trait and style perspective on one hand and the process, situational, assigned and emergent leadership perspectives of leadership on the other. Innate Leadership The perspective that leadership is innate has largely been popularised by lazy corporate succession planning practices. Many organisations have devised systems to identify the best leaders in the industry and with the right compensation, they attract and retain them. This practice is driven by the fact that it is difficult to change people and instead of attempting to, companies look for the best and hire them (Beechler Woodward, 2009; Chambers et al, 1998). Even individuals who have innate leadership traits (such as vision, inspiration and determination) are trapped in stagnant organisation succession plans, without opportunities to develop and practice their skills (Beechler Woodward, 2009). The idea of developing leadership capacity is unpopular because offering adequate learning opportunities and experiences requires heavy resource commitment and time. High annual employee turnovers and the existence predatory organisations that seek to poach talents discourage organisat ions from investing in building their own talents. In addition, developing effective leaders for an organisation requires that groups accurately diagnose their leadership needs and identify high potential individuals to develop. This is a risky process, which given the great expense, is very unattractive to organisational leaders, whose pay check largely depends on the short term performance (Byham, 2010). Theorists and leadership practitioners that support the trait perspective argue that leadership is genetic, but may be encouraged through learning. It is difficult to give a person leadership traits, even with the right developmental interventions. There is genetic evidence that links some chromosomes (DRD4 on chromosome 11) with certain personality types and leadership traits (Byham, 2010). People have different personality types and traits, with some having attributes that are best-suited for leadership than others. Some intelligence theories support this argument. Acco rding to Spearmans theory of intelligence (initially published in 1904), mental ability tests exhibited manifold positive correlation, meaning that if an individual is unable to perform well in mathematics for instance, they are equally unlikely to perform well in other subjects or aspects of life. This theory has the implication that individuals are suited to do different tasks depending on their genetic endowment. Similarly, Gardners theory of intelligence argues that there are multiple types of intelligence that include linguistic, mathematical/logical, spatial thought, musical, kinetic/bodily, interpersonal, intra-personal and naturalist intelligence (Sternberg, 2004). These intelligences are mostly natural, but can be shaped during a childs formative years. According to the multiple intelligences theory, people are differently suited to different occupations including leadership. According to this perspective, Stephen Hawkins, who is a theoretical physicist (mathematical and spatial intelligence), is less suited as leader compared to Oprah Winfrey (interpersonal, intra-personal and naturalist intelligence). Acquired Leadership According to Kotter (2011), leadership occurs daily and everywhere. Organisations, communities and even countries face adaptive difficulties always and if leadership were a preserve of a select few, there would be a crisis. This assertion is backed up by the hugely influential contingency theory, which argues that leadership is dependent on certain situations (Heifetz Laurie, 1997). Michael Browns leadership as the director of the United States Federal Emergence Management Agency (FEMA) before and after Hurricane Katrina is illustrative of this argument. When Katrina hit, FEMA failed to order timely evacuation of vulnerable populations and was ill-prepared to respond despite its massive resources and having received ample warnings from the National Hurricane Centre of the impending disaster. FEMA failed to plan for, and was unable coordinate emergency responses among the local, state and federal agencies, including failure to mobilise its own staff, sister-agencies and the m ilitary (U.S. House of Representatives, 2006). Other than failed strategic planning, Browns indecision before during and after the disaster, poor initiative and failure to inspire the confidence of the victims were key to the botched response and crisis. While it is fundamentally arguable that Winston Churchill and Roosevelt would never have been as great without World War II and the Great Depression respectively, there are endless contingencies and leadership varieties in the world today. Organisations, communities and other groups face increasingly globalised operating environments,, with volatile markets, diverse modes of work and cultures. The rise of the knowledge economy, technology, demographic changes, increased mobility, changing economic trends and other factors have not only put a premium on leadership, but also emphasised how dynamic leadership can be (Beechler Woodward, 2009). According to Kotter (2011), the argument that leadership is a question of vision, charisma or other fancy trait is a pernicious half-truth that has been told too many times so much that some believe it. Leadership has little to do with innate individual traits, other than those that can be acquired and nurtured. Leadership is about coping with change and adaptation to new conditions, including setting direction, aligning and motivating people. On the other hand, Peter Drucker, one of the foremost management consultants today, argues that leadership has little to do with personality. The most effective leaders exhibit hugely varied values, personalities and personal strengths. They may be reclusive or extroverted, controlling or easy-going, parsimonious or generous (Drucker, 2011). With discipline and constant practice, it is possible for anyone to gain the knowledge needed to make great decisions, achieve accountability and channel acquired knowledge into effective action. Drucker (2011) and Kotter (2011)s assertions are confirmed by findings in a survey o f leadership practitioners and thinkers by Marques (2010). This study concluded that leaders exhibited widely varied morals, values, integrity, ethics, listening skills, forgiveness, kindness, courage, love, trust and honesty. Even if it were true that leadership is innate, most of the leadership traits espoused as indicative of great leadership can be taught. Assertions that leadership is innate emphasise the fact that effective leaders are characterised by among others, vision, charisma, strategic thought, inspiration, integrity, confidence, communication and decisiveness. However, in order to direct these traits into action and influence other people, leaders need power. While a few repressive leaders like North Koreas Kim Jong-un can get by through coercion, (penalties, threats, rewards and punishments), the measure of effective leadership today lies in the ability to leverage any power available to one, towards the attainment of a desired goal (Goleman, 2004). Without coercive power, emotional intelligence is critical. As an indication that leadership can be acquired and nurtured, emotional intelligence has five key components (self-awareness, empathy, motivation, social skills and self-regulation), all of which can be acquired through hard work, learning and exposure to the right conditions (Goleman, 2004). Further, since leadership is about coping with change and adapting, one of the most important ingredients to succeeding at this task is the ability to learn and apply lessons from previous experiences. Leaders that do not learn from their, and other peoples experiences set themselves up to fail. The emphasis is on learning (Connelly Rudnick, 2001). The American auto industry, for instance, has fallen behind its Japanese and German competition because of its failure to improve product quality, efficiency, performance and service despite these being clear market trends decades ago. The lack of innovation, motivation and strategic visi on came to a head during the 2008/2009 global economic crisis, when GM and Chrysler needed the federal government bailout in order to stay afloat. In the United Kingdom, the global economic crisis also exposed leadership failures by institutions such as Northern Rock and the Royal Bank of Scotland. These organisations did not only ignore clear warnings of a market crash and had lived through the Asian crisis in 1997, but they also failed to draw proper lessons and hence the disaster (Gros Alcidi, 2010). Conclusion While it is impossible to define or even describe leadership as a concept, many people know leadership when they see it. Most, if not all the skills necessary for effective leadership identified in this paper can be acquired or encouraged in people (Drucker, 2011; Heifetz Laurie, 1997; Connelly Rudnick, 2001). It is undeniable that there are leaders who are born, but such leaders are too few and undependable, given the huge demand for leadership. In addition, it is clear that leadership not only requires continuous learning and adaptation, but is also a function of interactions between the leader and the followers. Leaders at any level, with or without power, must engage followers in confronting challenges, changing perspectives, adjusting values and adopting new habits. As against the perception that leadership is innate, the fact that leadership can be taught and further that it is a process of leader-follower interaction reduces the burden on leaders, because they never have to know all the answers (Heifetz Laurie, 1997). References Beechler, S., Woodward, I. (2009). The Global War for Talent. Journal of International Management 15 , 273–285. Byham, W. C. (2010). Are Leaders Born or Made? London: Deloitte. Chambers, E., Foulon, M., Handfield-Jones, H., Hankin, S. E., Michaels, I. (1998). The war for talent. The McKinsey Quarterly 3 , 44–57. Connelly, K., Rudnick, E. (2001). Born with it or Not: Leadership Requires Learning. Web Exclusives Drucker, P. F. (2011). What Makes an Effective Executive? In H. B. Review, HBRs 10 Must Reads on Leadership (pp. 23-36). Boston: Harvard Business Review. Goleman, D. (2004). What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review , https://hbr.org/2004/01/what-makes-a-leader/ar/1. Gros, D., Alcidi, C. (2010). The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Real Economy. New York: Intereconomics. Heifetz, R., Laurie, D. (1997). The Work of Leadership. In H. B. Review, HBRs 10 Must Reads on Leadership (pp. 57-78). Boston: Harvard Business Review. Ko tter, J. (2011). What Leaders Really Do. In H. B. Review, HBRs 10 Must Reads on Leadership. Boston: Harvard Business Press. Marques, J. F. (2010). Awakened leaders: born or made? Leadership Organization Development Journal, Vol. 31 Iss: 4 , 307 323. Northhouse, P. G. (2007). Leadership: Theory and Practice. New York: SAGE. Rowe, G. (2007). Cases in Leadership (Ivey Casebook). New York: SAGE Publications, Inc . Sternberg, R. (2004). Successful intelligence: Finding a Balance. . Swaroop, K. R., Prasad, N. G. (2013). Are leaders Born or Made? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing Management Review Vol.2 (8) , 34-42. U.S. House of Representatives. (2006). A Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. Washington: Government Printing Office.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Framework for Marketing Image Management Review Free Essays

A Framework for Marketing Image Management Review Organization Image Management Prepared by: Nur Amirah Bt Sarudian806421 A Framework for Marketing Image Management This paper focusing on company’s marketing image which include consequently, certain factors, offerings, and publics. It is important to each company to make customer’s impression of an organization. The findings of this paper show that only a systematic approach will yield useful and accurate information that a company can translate into action. We will write a custom essay sample on A Framework for Marketing Image Management Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Image is very important to an organization where it can described as a sum of beliefs, attitudes, and impressions that a person or group has an object. The object either is company, product, brand, place, or person. A company has many images which is depending upon the specific object being studied, the public assessed and other conditions that related with images. Every organization has a corporate image, whether it wants one or not. When properly designed and managed, the corporate image will accurately reflect the level of the organization’s commitment to quality, excellence and relationships. The relationships with its various constituents including current and potential customers, employees and future staff, competitors, partners, governing bodies, and the general public at large. As a result, the corporate image is a critical concern for every organization, one deserving the same attention and commitment by senior management as any other vital issue. A company’s image is a dynamic and profound affirmation of the nature, culture and structure of an organization. This applies equally to corporations, businesses, government entities, and non-profit organizations. The corporate image communicates the organization’s mission, the professionalism of its leadership, the caliber of its employees and its roles within the marketing environment or political landscape. All tend to have a unique image, an image that is partially deliberate and partially accidental, partially self-created and partially exogenous. The company’s image or also known as a corporate image is important to every company because the raw materials into a tangible product, machinery use to make products or product inventory. It refers to how a company is perceived. It also a generally accepted image of what a company stands for. Typically, a company’s image is designed to be appealing to the public, so that the company can spark an interest among consumers, create share of mind, generate brand equity, and thus facilitate product sales. A company’s image is not solely created by the company. Other contributors to a company’s image could include news media, journalists, environmental organizations, labor unions and other Non-Government Organizations (NGO). The negative reputation is correlates with negative performance. If this happened, the company needs to direct communication as a public relations department to correct the misperception. In general, the company needs to improve its performance and sometimes it needs to communicate its actual performance level more effectively. The image management process has four phases. It is use to make sure the process is feasible, affordable which is low cost and repeatable. The phases are design, data collection, image gap analysis and lastly, image modification actions and tracking. Design phase is when company decided needs to track such as image factors, products, publics and location. Corporate marketing research department has a task of measuring and tracking image and also to hire research agencies, collect data, analyze results, and make recommendations. The example is marketing experts who use public relations and other forms of promotion to suggest a mental picture to the public. When built a design phase, the company determines the factors, offerings, publics, and appropriate competitors to track over time. Then, the one-on-one interviews and focus group is using with considered the following the types of questions such as factors tracked like product, price, salesforce, channels, communications, service or support. This decision based on factors that most influence on the purchase decision. Then, study the offering are most important either a low market share or large revenue contributions. After the offering, company should know the different publics for three types of consumer buying decisions. Decisions in type, geographical location and other factors have to decide by company. It will focusing on the term or the mission which has been decided. Every each steps company takes, it should decide who the relevant competitors are. It includes the major competitors and competitive alternatives in customer nd distributors perception. Lastly, the question needs to think is how often the specified images be tracked. Image tracking is costly, company will try to perform a cost-benefits analysis to limit the number of attributes, competitors, and public examined in the quantitative phase which is obtained from the design phase. The information that company needs is qualitative measure of the importance of the factors in buying decision, qualitative measure of the key competitors, and qualitative research for each of the purchasers and users including in salient publics. This will avoids the possibility of a misdirected image measurement that leads to develop hypotheses to be tested in the quantitative phase. Second, data collection phase is collected by telephone surveys. Using telephone survey has several advantages and also disadvantages. The advantages is over mailed questionnaires. The information or data can be obtained faster. It also make the interviewer can clarify the questions that been asking. While the disadvantages using telephone survey is when the questionnaire is long or complex. The great action is personal interviews to collect the long or complex data from the surveys. Third, the image gap analysis phase is when the marketing research department summarizes and analyzes the collected data, and graphically portrays the results. The image is portrayed on a set of bipolar scales. Each scales runs from one to five (poor to excellent). It has two profiles plotted over the scales which represent many different comparisons. The comparisons is two public’s views, two time periods, the company and its major competitor, two products and lastly the actual image and desired image. The collecting image data have to indicate the importance of each attribute. There is two methods to analysis data. First, the direct method includes asking the respondent to simply rank the attributes by distributing a constant sum of points over the attributes. Using rating scale also can be use in direct method. Second, the indirect method is obtained from the data using a regression or conjoint methodology. Company needs to achieve a high image rating on each attribute that is highly important to its target public. If company image is not making the best possible first impression, it really could be losing thousands of dollars, as prospects flit away to ompanies they perceive as the better company. It means, the company will lose sales to its competitors. Then, it also make company overspend on an attribute of low or less importance to the customer which not needs it. The best things to do is devote resources to the various factor which is important to the target market. The factor is usually about the public and the offerings example like excellent servi ces, customer support, product and sales force and communications quality. The communication quality is like using brochures, advertisements, product packages and business cards that reflect company’s image. For example, a children’s party planning service might create materials using bright colors and cheery images that look fun and youthful. Four, all the analysis before show that the image modification actions and tracking phase is a picture of the company’s major strengths and weakness as perceived by respondents. Company have to develops plan to modify any of its attribute standings; include competitors’ standings on same attributes. Then, the firm’s standing in each quadrant has different ramifications for management action. It also acknowledged that changing the perceived attribute importance is usually more difficult than changing the perceived attribute rating. When management identifies more than one image gaps either it real gaps or perception gaps, they need to be prioritized. They have to consider the five questions about the gaps. The gaps questions is the gaps influence buyer behavior, best strategy to close the gap, costs and benefits of closing gap, time to close the gap and the better to change importance ratings or attribute ratings. All the specifying strategies to close image gaps must have cost-benefit analysis which includes potential competitor responses. The cost-benefits are include the resources and time in improving image perception of a particular factor or attribute if competitors can close the image gap rapidly and at low cost. Closing a different image gap may reduce the possibility of competitive countermoves and result in advantageous niche positioning. After answering the question above, management will be in good positions to prepare a sound image modification strategy. Management can track the marketing image has improved in the desired direction after the action plans are implanted. Corporate image management or company image management is one of the most potent marketing and management tools to use in ensuring the viable execution of the corporate vision. It provides one of the most powerful strategic marketing weapons available in the corporate arsenal. It also process the highest level of functional control of the organization. Progressive company leaders will drive their organizations forward in victory in today’s and tomorrow marketing, use management and marketing discipline. The underlining principle of the discipline is touches the customer attention to make sure they perceives company image. This fundamental perception will be the major factor that determines whether the customer will decide to conduct business with the company and the important things is enter into a long-term and mutually rewarding relationship with company. The image tracking system that used in company will used as an early warning system to identify the future and the present shits in the company’s competitive performance to be excellent organization. There greater marketing issue is corporate image management which is in growing higher competitive markets. The corporate image management will be a key marketing discipline well into the next century. Management have to determines the strength and the factors that improve its image or product with image gaps. Nowadays, the important things for winning and maintaining customer relationships now takes place in the minds, emotions and perceptions of the customers for the company’s marketing image. |   Ã‚  Ã‚  | | How to cite A Framework for Marketing Image Management Review, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Buying vs Renting Thesis Statement free essay sample

Renting an apartment is a better option than buying a house. Renting now can make things become a bit easier later. Saving money is what every American wants to do. Buying a home can not only hurt someone financially but it can put them in a bind that can have them paying a bill for the rest of their life. The economy is on a rollercoaster right now so making the decision to buy a home can be a tad bit tricky. Buying a home is not a one time transaction because once you have the home you continue to pay bills such as mortgage fees and cosmetics. Thinking about the money that you may have to come out of is a good enough reason on why you would want to save up money to take care of some of the fees that will occur when making the decision to buy a home. We will write a custom essay sample on Buying vs Renting Thesis Statement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Renting can put some of these things in someone else’s hands to where you can save the money that is extra from your monthly payment. When renting an apartment you will never have to worry about fixing the toilet, sink, or plumbing because all of those things are paid by the landlord. Skipping these fees leaves more money in your piggy bank expanding your options for your home when you come to that decision. Making the decision to rent now and buy later can also give you enough time to wait on the economy to get stronger which can make buying a home a much smoother process. Rent now and buy later is best technique right now.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Strong Emotions free essay sample

Crossing the finish line in first place, I’m happy†¦until the moment my eyes look up at the clock. It wasn’t enough. My time was just shy of that seventh varsity spot on the Cross Country team. My family comes to congratulate me and I force a smile. They remind me that I’d done my best that day†¦if only my time had been a little bit faster. Next time, I know to focus only on my individual goals and running for my team. Math tests are back today and I have to do well. This can’t be like the last one where I only got a 94%. With that score, I didn’t make it up onto the board where my teacher shows the highest grades. He’s walking towards my pod, handing back tests. He drops my test faced down on my desk. I slowly inch my way towards it until my finger touches the edge. We will write a custom essay sample on Strong Emotions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I quickly turn it over. My score is written in black letters and circled on the top: a 98. I’m happy. I studied hard, I went in for help, and I completed all the homework. My hard work finally paid off. My teacher turns on the SMARTboard and I skim the top scores, searching for my name. One percentage point. That’s all it would’ve taken to get my name on the board. I go back to my test, and look at the questions I got wrong. Next time, I will check over my answers thoroughly to be sure I don’t make any silly mistakes. Having strong emotions is a positive characteristic. I have come to realize that my emotions show how passionate I am. Knowing I’m capable of improvement and wanting it to be noticed, I strive to do better. During the last few years my desire to do well, both in school and athletics, has matured. In chasing perfection, it was difficult for me to accept anything less than perfect. When I did well, I looked to others who obtained higher grades. After being fixated on the fact that nothing was ever good enough, I gradually realized my best is good enough.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Free Essays on Big Bang

We know that our universe exists, however this knowledge alone has not satisfied mankind for further understanding. Throughout time we have asked ourselves, how did our universe begin? How old is our universe? How did matter come to exist?- It seems to be that the questions will always continue to exist. It is important to keep in mind that all of this information is constantly being questioned in order to understand the universe more clearly. What is THE BIG BANG Many once believed that the universe had no beginning or end and was truly infinite. However according to the Big Bang theory, universe is not considered to be, infinite. About 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. At the point of this event all of the matter and energy was placed at one point. The Big Bang actually consisted of an explosion of space within itself unlike an explosion of a bomb. According to the Big Bang theory the universe is expanding in every direction. Since the Big Bang, the universe has been continuously expanding and there has been more and more distance between clusters of galaxies.... Free Essays on Big Bang Free Essays on Big Bang We know that our universe exists, however this knowledge alone has not satisfied mankind for further understanding. Throughout time we have asked ourselves, how did our universe begin? How old is our universe? How did matter come to exist?- It seems to be that the questions will always continue to exist. It is important to keep in mind that all of this information is constantly being questioned in order to understand the universe more clearly. What is THE BIG BANG Many once believed that the universe had no beginning or end and was truly infinite. However according to the Big Bang theory, universe is not considered to be, infinite. About 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. At the point of this event all of the matter and energy was placed at one point. The Big Bang actually consisted of an explosion of space within itself unlike an explosion of a bomb. According to the Big Bang theory the universe is expanding in every direction. Since the Big Bang, the universe has been continuously expanding and there has been more and more distance between clusters of galaxies.... Free Essays on Big Bang Some 12 billion years ago the universe emerged from a hot, dense sea of matter and energy. As the cosmos expanded and cooled, it spawned galaxies, stars, planets and life. Since the beginning of human civilization, people have always questioned the origins of their existence and the creation of the universe. Cosmology, the scientific study of the large scale structure and evolution of the universe, has developed and evolved in response to the human need to know our roots (Silk, Big Bang 1980 456). Within in this field of study, the Big Bang theory has become the most prevalent theory, because the majority of evidence from a variety of different investigations make it extremely likely that something like the Big Bang occurred. The Big Bang theory of cosmology assumes that the universe began from a singular state of infinite density. As Joseph Silk defines the Big Bang theory, it is a model of the universe in which space-time began with an initial singularity and subsequently expands (Silk, Cosmic Enigmas 56). The theory first referenced in Alexander Friedmann's complete solution of Albert Einstein's equations, in 1922. In 1927, George ¡Ã‚ ¦s Lemaitre used equations to devise a cosmological theory that incorporated the concept that the universe has been expanding from an explosive moment of creation. However, the term "Big Bang," as a name for the initial cataclysmic event, was chosen by two men named George Gamow and R.A. Alpher due to their discovery of background radiation, a low-temperature radiation that penetrates the universe at microwave wavelengths (58). Its source is now believed to have been the extremely hot fireball with which the universe began, according to the Big Bang theory. Since its in itial introduction, much evidence has helped to strengthen its case, and other theories have been added to it, such as the Inflationary theory. This theory seeks to account for the physical events, which took place in the very first momen... Free Essays on Big Bang The mystery of the beginning of our universe has puzzled mankind since the dawn of time. This mystery is especially relevant to astronomers, who construct hypotheses called cosmological models to try to find the answer to this ancient question. This paper will focus on two of these models: The Big Bang Theory and The Steady State Model. The Big Bang model postulates that about fifteen to twenty billion years ago, the universe violently exploded. Scientist believe that before the Big Bang, all of the matter and radiation of our present universe was packed together in a primeval fireball. This fireball was in an extremely hot dense state. From this the universe rapidly expanded.1 As this expanding matter cooled, several million years later it condensed into galaxies. The universe has continued to expand, and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other ever since. Today, the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model states that the universe does not evolve or change in time, meaning there was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle states that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale; at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model including, the redshifts of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which states that if a galaxy is moving away, the spectral line of that galaxy observed will have a shift to the red end. The faster the galaxy moves the more shifts it has. If the galaxy is moving closer, the spectral line will show a blue shift. If the galaxy is not moving, there is no shift at all. However, as astronomers observed, the more distant a galaxy is from Earth, the more redshift it shows on the spectru...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Humes Moral Judgement Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Humes Moral Judgement Theory - Essay Example The nonpropositional interpretation of Hume's claim states that moral judgement does not express truth or fact, it is merely the expression of a feeling or a feeling itself. The subjective description on the other hand, takes the view of the spectator's moral evaluation simply being the contemplation of the common point of view. The dispositional interpretation understands moral judgements about good and evil have a motivational influence on our actions. Hume also states that moral evaluation involves the spectator's feelings in relation to witnessing the agent's act. Since these feelings are involved, then moral judgment must be subjective. In terms of dispositional interpretation, the agent's action can cause the spectator to either approve or disapprove. For instance, if a character trait is in accordance with the spectator, it will elicit feelings of approval. Moral judgments are subjective because they are based on the feelings of the spectator, and spectators will either approve or disapprove of the agent's actions, and their judgment is the result of whether or not they identify the character of the agent as appropriate or not. These brief explanations of Hume's moral judgement theory illustrate Hume's basic assumption that it is only feeling that generates action and feeling that labels any action as morally right or wrong, good or bad. This is based upon the perceptions of the spectator, rather than the motivations of the agent of the action. While Hume asserts that moral judgements are based upon emotional motivations such as desire, he claims that moral judgements based upon the actions of others do not express beliefs. According to Hume, desires and beliefs are distinct, contradictory states. Desires are not rationally criticisable as they make no reference to truth or reason. A belief on the other hand, is merely a copy of an assessable truth. Here reason alone is motivationally inert and moral judgements cannot therefore be derived from reason. Another aspect of moral judgment is moral sentiment. Sentiment is an emotion caused by thinking about the action to be evaluated without any level of self-interest. Examples of moral sentiment are approval (a pleasure) and disapproval (a pain). Consequently, people can differentiate which traits are virtuous or vicious. The use of emotions and feelings (especially approval and disapproval) towards traits leads to approval of actions. Hence, agreeable traits tend to cause feelings of approval; whereas disagreeable traits tend to create feelings of disapproval. Moral judgment is also affected by sympathy. Hume believes that by observing a person's outward appearance, the spectator can comprehend the passion of the person's mind. When these characteristics resemble or are contiguous with their own, the spectator is more likely to experience sympathetic feelings of pleasure and enjoyment. In conclusion, Hume asserts that people can take different roles in terms of being an agent, a receiver, or a spectator. Since people can observe their own actions and also sympathize with their moral sentiments, it is possible for significant actions to fall into more than one category. Likewise, I agree with Hume that moral approval is based on emotional responses. Human nature is not based on expressed beliefs but on moral judgments substantiated by feelings. Hume's opinions of moral beliefs were radical or even contentious to his own contemporaries in the

Monday, February 3, 2020

King James I of England Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

King James I of England - Research Paper Example Demonology has been defined as the study of demons or of demonic belief (Merriam-Webster). Demonology was a topic that had gained immense popularity by the 16th century. Therefore at the time when King James started his scholarly career in the study of demonology, a lot of literature regarding the topic already existed to provide assistance. As a subject, demonology was restricted to the elite while the poor merely stuck to their beliefs regarding the devil and its worshippers. King James’s interest in Demonology is said to have its roots in his visit to Denmark when he was going to see his future wife. On his visit, he met with the famous Danish demonologist Niels Hemmingsen, in 1589-1590. The idea of demonology was only remotely known in Scotland till it was taken interest in by King James; rather many of the scholars say that King James was the one who introduced the idea of Demonology in Scotland (Ryynà ¤nen, 1-39). King James was the only monarch in history to have studi ed and written a book on the subject of demonology. The title of the book was Daemonologie. Many scholars see the political inclinations of the book and argue that the third part of the book, with descriptions of the demons seems somewhat different than the first two parts and is thought to have been influenced by the political turmoil he had to face during the 1590s. On his visit to Denmark, King James was stuck in a terrible storm and that is what triggered his belief in the idea of witchcraft and demonology.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Adaptive User Interface Framework: Android Mobile Platform

Adaptive User Interface Framework: Android Mobile Platform Mr. Tulip Das Abstract—Adapting a graphical interface (GUI) to a range of resources with completely different capabilities is exciting topic of mobile computer. The user interface created for an application ought to modification its layout and parts to the user need and changes for every user. We propose a framework for mobile applications to form the user interfaces adaptable for user. This identifies an appropriate expertise level to a user by learning his/her history of interaction. Dynamic App Shortcut is to be provided on Mobile Devices serving to user to swipe the screen many times to search out the required app. The prediction model utilizes multiple options together with recency, frequency, duration, time distribution and app sequence launch. Keywords—HCI in Mobile; AI and expert systems; Adaptive user interface framework; k-means algorithm; dynamic shortcuts; mobile app usage; personalization.) I. Introduction An adaptive user interface (also known as AUI) is a user interface (UI) which adapts, that is changes, its layout and elements to the needs of the user or context and is similarly alterable by each user. These mutually reciprocal qualities of both adapting and being adaptable are, in a true AUI, also innate to elements that comprise the interfaces components; portions of the interface might adapt to and affect other portions of the interface. The user adaptation is often a negotiated process, as an adaptive user interfaces designers ignore where user interface components ought to go while affording a means by which both the designers and the user can determine their placement, often (though not always) in a semi-automated, if not fully automated manner. An AUI is primarily created based on the features of the system, and the knowledge levels of the users that will utilize it. Figure 1: Adaptive Graphical User Interface The advantages of an adaptive user interface are found within its ability to conform to a user’s needs. The properties of an AUI allow showing only relevant information based on the current user. This creates less confusion for less experienced users and provides ease of access throughout a system. Depending on the task, we can increase the stability of a system. An adaptive user interface can be implemented in various ways. These implementations can differ between the amount of information available to certain users, or how users utilize the application. Adaptive presentation: The goal behind adaptive presentation is to display certain information based on the current user. This may mean that users with only basic knowledge of a system will only be shown minimal information. Conversely, a user with advanced knowledge will have access to more detailed information and capabilities. A way that the AUI can achieve this differentiation could be to hide information to be presented based on the users experience level. Another possibility is to control the amount of links to relevant sources on the page. Adaptive navigation: Adaptive navigation intends to guide a user to their specific goal within the system by altering the way the system is navigated based on certain factors of the user. These factors can include the user’s expertise level with the system/subject, the current goal within the system, and other relevant factors. Examples of adaptive navigation can be achieved in many ways, similar to adaptive presentation. These can include examples such as providing links to help achieve a user’s specific goal, giving reference on a page to where a user is, or altering the resources available to the user. II. MOTIVATION In the last few years, an ecosystem of devices and heterogeneous services has emerged with a huge variety of capacities and characteristics. These new devices, along with applications and services, must be used to enhance the quality of life, making the users daily activities easier, as well as increasing their personal autonomy. User interfaces in mobile applications are complex since they need to provide sufficient features to variety of users in a restricted space where a small number of components are available. When user acquires expertise in the system they expect user interfaces which satisfy their unique needs. Therefore, user interfaces in mobile applications should be adapted to different users. Since this problem exists in various applications a general solution is required to make user interfaces adaptive using user context history. Figure 2: Different Mobile Devices In this sense, there is a clear need for creating interfaces that adapt themselves taking into account characteristics of the user, context, application and device. One of the aspects to consider when adapting interfaces is the set of preferences of the user. When using different applications or devices, each user has different preferences, mainly related to their limitations. III. Problem Statement Using mobile and its application is a personalized experience. Each user has different preferences, mainly related to their limitations. Hence it is quite essential to account characteristics of the user, context, application and device while designing a Graphical User Interface for mobile platform. It is quite difficult to manage when there are many applications (apps) installed on a mobile device, the simple task of launching an app could become inconvenient, as the user may need to swipe the screen several times to and the desired app. Hence an adaptive user interface solution for mobile devices, which uses dynamic shortcuts to facilitate app launching is needed. In this context, personalization of applications, i.e. applications that adapt themselves to users capacities and limitations is essential. IV. Problem Modeling A. Overview Rather than providing adaptive user interfaces for a specific mobile application, it is more valuable if it would be a common solution to make any UI adaptive. So it is encouraged to provide a framework which can give a common solution which can be used by all developers to create applications which provide adaptive user interfaces. This framework provides Adaptive User Interfaces based on users experience level. The experience levels are classified by Inference Engine which is explained in the subsection Inference Engine. The system will learn the user experience level based on user actions performed on each component of the application with the algorithm. Figure 2: Concept of Adaptive User Interface Figure 3: Module diagram for the system with Adaptive User Interface B. Components of Solution The proposed adaptive user interface is mainly focused on hiding group of unwanted components for corresponding experience level of user on that application. The framework consists of three main phases such as 1. Data preprocessing step 2. Learning step 3. Execution and rendering step Data preprocessing step 1. Location Data: One of the factors to adapt the UI is the location of the user. This is based on the premise that the type of applications a user is expected to access when at home is different from the type of applications accessed when the user is at work. The location is determined by means of the GPS sensor on the mobile device. 2. Device Data: Output of other sensors on the device including the ambient light sensor (to infer whether the user is indoors or outdoors), accelerometer and gyroscope (to say if the user is stationary or moving) can also be used to derive additional contextual information in order to better predict the users chosen application and modify the UI appropriately. 3. App usage Data: Logs of the past application usage, the frequency at which the particular app was accessed and the user actions and interactions while using the app can act as another source of contextual information. 4. Time Data: The type of applications accessed on weekdays might be different from the applications accessed on a weekend or on holidays. Similarly, in the morning the user may access different apps than the ones they do at night. A logging service running in the device would have to log the types of apps accessed at specific times of day or day or the week, and use it to make the appropriate UI modifications. C. Learning step The main purpose of inference engine is to collect the data provided by the data-preprocessing module and provide an experience level of the user according to the current user context. To infer the experience level of the user, the inference engine should behave as an intelligent system which should be trained by data related to user experience level and user interactions between the applications. Figure 4: A High level architecture of adaptive user interface framework Execution and rendering step K-means clustering engine is capable of setting the number of clusters needed. When the number of clusters is set, the engine can cluster the dataset when the squared error becomes minimized. This will give each clusters center points as output. Once the cluster centers are found these cluster centers will be delivered to user type selector. User type selector will appoint each experience level to each center sent by K-means clustering engine. Currently we have manually appointed the experience level for identified centers using natural knowledge. As mentioned earlier who masters the system can suggest these levels for each cluster values. Current user context data will be feed into the User type selector and user type selector will infer a suitable experience level which is closest. This final output will be delivered to the execution and rendering step. D. Implementation In order to practically show the behavior of the framework a proof of concept (POC) application will be developed. A simple application which can be used as an online ticket reservation system for aircrafts will be developed as the application. This application was developed in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and JavaScript. Android platform has given enough features and Application Programming Interfaces (API) to create an Android application using HTML and JavaScript. Android web application can be created by converting a HTML page to an Android web application using WebView class. Currently there are many third party frameworks and plug-ins are available to convert HTML and JavaScript pages to Android application. This application will be connected to adaptive UI framework using a component called UIhooks. UIhooks are some methods which can be used by the developer during the application development. For example these methods can be used when some events are fired on UI components. When UIhooks are called they are developed in a way to measure the user actions performed on corresponding UI component and store them. For example when a UIhook method is called on a button on click event, the Uihooks is implemented to measure how many time the button was clicked and what is the recent time it was used. If UIhook method is called on a textbox on submit event the Uihook can inspect and store the value submitted and the count of submit action performed. This application is sent to a user study to collect training data. This is elaborated more in User study section. The collected data were organized and feed to inference engine as the training dataset. Inference engine learned the data as elaborated b efore and gave the suitable experience level. Once the experience level is feed to the rendering engine it finds the related rendering logics inside the UI clusters. For example if the experience level is provided as intermediate it checks for the corresponding rendering logics and UI clusters. If it is said as If user Type is intermediate render cluster2 it will build a new UI using what is mentioned in cluster2. Then it renders it to the user. When the user is provided with new adaptive UI a question will be provided to the user asking whether they are satisfied with the new UI or they want to go back to the earlier stage. This is to measure their satisfactory level and the accuracy of the algorithm predictions. V. Mathematical Modeling Let s (be a main set of) ≠¡ {SDB, LDB, C, A, S, MR, AO} where, SDB is the copy of the server database. This database is responsible for storing user information related to cloud interactions. LDB is a set of local database that a user owns. It consists of data tables having data items related to the products and their sales transactions. C is a set of all clients using the server database and mining services from the server. And (c1 , c2 , c3, cn) à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ C. A is a set of algorithms applied on the input data to get mining results. S is the server component of the system. The server is responsible for registering, authenticating and providing associations to the end user. MR is a set of mining rules that are applied on the input dataset provided by the client from his LDB. And (mr1 , mr2 , mr3, mrn) à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ MR AO is a set of associations that are extracted from the input and a form the output of the system. Functionalities : SDB = RegisterUser(uid, password, fullname, address, country, contact, email); password = SHA1(input_password); U = AuthenticateUser(uid, password, SDB); LDB1 = ManageProducts(pid, product name, cost); LDB2 = ManageBilling(transactions, items); LDB = LDB1 + LDB2 ED(Encoded data) = EncodeTransactions(LDB2, EncodingAlgorithm(EA)); UPLOAD(ED); AO = Apply Mining(ED); Results = Decode(Download(AO)) VI. Results Expected Figure 5: Dynamic Shortcuts Figure 6: Adaptive UI VII. Conclusion The aim of our study was to propose a high level architecture for a framework to provide adaptive user interface for mobile applications. This framework includes data preprocessing step, learning step and execution and rendering step to deliver a  suitable user interface. The learning is done by an intelligent system which is unsupervised and trained using user context data. This delivers k number of experience levels by clustering the collected data set using K-means and ANN algorithm. It will also allow dynamic shortcuts to facilitate app launching. Some other options to enhance the proposed dynamic shortcuts solution such as gesture based control will also be explored in the future. VIII. References Aztiria, A. ; Castillejo, E. ; Almeida, A. ; Lopez-de-Ipia, D.Adapting User Interfaces Based on User Preferences and Habits, Intelligent Environments (IE), 2014 International Conference on DOI: 10.1109/IE.2014.9 Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 9 – 15 Nivethika, M. ; Vithiya, I. ; Anntharshika, S. ; Deegalla, S.Personalized and adaptive user interface framework for mobile application, Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013 International Conference on DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2013.6637474, Publication Year: 2013 , Page(s): 1913- 1918 Jain, R. ; Bose, J. ; Arif, T. Contextual adaptive user interface for Android devices, India Conference (INDICON), 2013 Annual IEEE DOI: 10.1109/INDCON.2013.6726014 Publication Year: 2013 , Page(s): 1- 5 Ye Xu et al. Preference, Context and Communities: A Multi-faceted approach to Predicting Smartphone App Usage Patterns, In the 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2013). Zurich, Switzerland. Mejia-Figueroa, A. ; Juarez-Ramirez, R. Towards a User Model for the Design of Adaptive Interfaces for Autistic Users, Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 2014 IEEE 38th International DOI: 10.1109/COMPSACW.2014.47 Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 264 – 269 Leichtenstern, K. ; Andre, E. User-Centred Development of Mobile Interfaces to a Pervasive Computing Environment, Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, 2008 First International Conference on DOI: 10.1109/ACHI.2008.10 Publication Year: 2008 , Page(s): 114 – 119 Chang Tan, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Hui Xiong. `Prediction for Mobile Application Usage Patterns. Nokia Mobile Data Challenge Workshop 2012. Matthias Bhmer, Antonio Krger. A Study on Icon Arrangement by Smartphone Users. In Proc. ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paris 2013, France N. Andrew, Clustering with the K-Means Algorithm, video tutorialJ.S. Augusto, transcript writter, June 2012. T. D. Bie, T. T. Maia and A. P. Braga, Machine Learning with Labeled and Unlabeled Data, European Syumposium on Arti_cial Neural Networks- Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning, Bruges, 2009. Y. Fukazawa, M. Hara, M. Onogi, H. Ueno, Automatic mobile menu customization based on user operation history, 11th International Conference on HCI with Mobile Devices and Services. J. Brooke, SUS: a quick and dirty usability scale. In P. W. Jordan, B. Thomas, B. A. Weerdmeester, A. L. McClelland (Eds.), Usability Evaluation in Industry (S. 189 -194). London: Taylor and Francis,1996.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

On Translation of English Proverbs Essay

Abstractï ¼Å¡Proverbs, which derive from life are the condensation and embodiment of the language and culture of a nation. Proverb is a form of literature,its terseness and depth is the result of sand washing from rough sea and discarding the dross and selecting the essential in the course of language culture development. The proverb has the bright characteristic of a nation. Because of the differences of religious beliefs, habits and customs, fables and myth and culture and art, English proverbs and Chinese proverbs carry on the different national cultural characteristics and information. In translation,these cultural elements are the main difficulties and they form  the influencing factor of the translation of English proverbs.This essay uses some typical examples to state four factors through analyzing, comparing and concluding from the point of geographical environment, customs, religious beliefs and historical culture. In order to present an adequate translation of a proverb, we can use four translation methods flexibly: literal translation, free translation, substitution translation and literal translation combined with free translation. Key words: English proverb influencing factor translation method æ µâ€¦Ã¨ °Ë†Ã¨â€¹ ±Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§ ¿ »Ã¨ ¯â€˜ Ã¥ ­ ¦ 生ï ¼Å¡Ã©Æ' Ã¦â„¢â€œÃ¦â€" ° ä ¸â€œ ä ¸Å¡Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã¨â€¹ ± è ¯ ­ æÅ'‡å ¯ ¼ è€ Ã¥ ¸Ë†Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã¨ µ µÃ¤ ¸ ¹Ã¤ ¸ ¹ 摘è ¦ Ã¯ ¼Å¡Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¦  ¥Ã¦ º Ã¤ ºÅ½Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦ ´ »Ã¯ ¼Å'æ˜ ¯Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ °â€˜Ã¦â€" Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¥â€™Å'æâ€"‡åÅ'â€"çš„é «ËœÃ¥ º ¦Ã¦ µâ€œÃ§ ¼ ©Ã¥â€™Å'集ä ¸ ­Ã¤ ½â€œÃ§Å½ °Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§ § Ã¦â€"‡å ­ ¦Ã¥ ½ ¢Ã¥ ¼ Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦ ´â€"ç »Æ'å’Å'æ · ±Ã¥Ë† »Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¦ °â€˜Ã¦â€" Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€¦ ¶Ã¦ ¼ «Ã©â€¢ ¿Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¦â€"‡å ­â€"Ã¥ â€˜Ã¥ ±â€¢Ã¤ ¸ ­Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¦ µ ªÃ¦ ·ËœÃ¦ ²â„¢Ã¯ ¼Å'åŽ »Ã§ ²â€"Ã¥ â€"ç ² ¾Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§ »â€œÃ¦Å¾Å"ï ¼Å'è °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¥â€¦ ·Ã¦Å"‰é ²Å"明的æ °â€˜Ã¦â€" Ã§â€° ¹Ã¦â‚¬ §Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§â€ ±Ã¤ ºÅ½Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ Å'çš„å ®â€"æ•™ä ¿ ¡Ã¤ » °Ã¯ ¼Å'é £Å½Ã¤ ¿â€"ä ¹  Ã¦Æ' ¯Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ¯â€œÃ¨ ¨â‚¬Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã¨ ¯ Ã¤ » ¥Ã¥ Å Ã¦â€"‡å ­ ¦Ã¨â€° ºÃ¦Å" ¯Ã¨ ¯ ¸Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã¦â€" ¹Ã©  ¢Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ · ®Ã¥ ¼â€šÃ¯ ¼Å'è‹ ±Ã¯ ¼Å'æ ±â€°Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¦â€° ¿Ã¨ ½ ½Ã§ â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ Å'çš„æ °â€˜Ã¦â€" Ã¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"ç‰ ¹Ã¨â€° ²Ã¥â€™Å'ä ¸ Ã¥ Å'çš„æâ€"‡åÅ'â€"ä ¿ ¡Ã¦  ¯Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥Å" ¨Ã § ¿ »Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã¤ ¸ ­Ã¯ ¼Å'è ¿â„¢Ã¤ ºâ€ºÃ¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"å›  Ã§ ´  Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¤ ¸ »Ã¨ ¦ Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥â€º °Ã©Å¡ ¾Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ »â€"ä » ¬Ã¦Å¾â€žÃ¦Ë† Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã¥ ½ ±Ã¥â€œ Ã¨â€¹ ±Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã§ ¿ »Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥â€º  Ã§ ´  Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Å" ¬Ã¦â€"‡å€ŸåŠ ©Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ºâ€ºÃ¥â€¦ ¸Ã¥Å¾â€¹Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¤ ¾â€¹Ã¥ ­ Ã¯ ¼Å'ä »Å½Ã¥Å" °Ã§ â€ Ã§Å½ ¯Ã¥ ¢Æ'〠Ã© £Å½Ã¤ ¿â€"ä ¹  Ã¦Æ' ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ®â€"æ•™ä ¿ ¡Ã¤ » °Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥Å½â€ Ã¥  ²Ã¦â€"‡åÅ'â€"æâ€" ¹Ã©  ¢Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã¦Å¾ Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ§ § Ã¥ ½ ±Ã¥â€œ Ã¥â€º  Ã§ ´  Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ¸ ºÃ¤ ºâ€ Ã¥ ¿  Ã¥ ®Å¾Ã£â‚¬ Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã© ¡ ºÃ¥Å" °Ã¥â€  Ã§Å½ °Ã¨â€¹ ±Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¥Å½Å¸Ã¨ °Å¡,Ã¥  ¯Ã¤ » ¥Ã§  µÃ¦ ´ »Ã¨ ¿ Ã§â€ ¨Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ§ § Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã¦ ³â€¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Å" ¬Ã¦â€"‡è ® ¨Ã¨ ® ºÃ¤ ºâ€ Ã§â€º ´Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦â€ž Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ Å'ä ¹â€°Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¥ ¥â€"ç” ¨Ã¦ ³â€¢Ã£â‚¬ Ã§â€º ´Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã¥â€™Å'æ„ Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã§â€º ¸Ã§ »â€œÃ¥ Ë†Ã¨ ¿â„¢Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ§ § Ã§ ¿ »Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã¦â€" ¹Ã¦ ³â€¢Ã£â‚¬â€š å… ³Ã©â€ ®Ã¨ ¯ : è‹ ±Ã¨ ¯ ­Ã¨ °Å¡Ã¨ ¯ ­ Ã¥ ½ ±Ã¥â€œ Ã¥â€º  Ã§ ´   ç ¿ »Ã¨ ¯â€˜Ã¦Å â‚¬Ã¥ · §

Friday, January 10, 2020

Juicy Couture Advertising Analysis.

Typical high fashion advertisements consist of a beautiful female model, wearing the most expensive clothing, looking classy and elegant. Somewhere there is usually a toned gorgeous man looking at her in awe, also wearing incredibly fashionable clothing. These ads, however effective on the minds of the masses, are not the same approach the infamous Juicy Couture brand takes. Bought by all types of women, from mothers to teenage girls, everyone wants to be part of the Juicy phenomenon. Juicy Couture’s image isn’t the stereotypical wealthy, high fashion kind of depiction.They show a more mainstream glamour and luxurious wealth. Their bedazzled track suits and terrier crowned logo shows their abnormal high end fashion. However, the brand is still very fabulous and expensive being â€Å"Made in Glamorous USA† (â€Å"JuicyDeals†). The advertisements of Juicy Couture try to show this same kind of image. The usual Juicy advertisements are displays of a picturesqu e suspended girl universe, by reflecting a modern, girlish, avant-garde display with a whimsical kind of spirit (Brown et al). Interesting and bizarre, they never fail to catch the eyes of women and girls of every age and race.Juicy couture has a different and outrageous kind of style that never fails to tap into the needs and desires of girls all over. According to their ads, with Juicy couture women can be prominent, can dominate, and can definitely get anything they want. In 2009, Juicy ran an ad campaign titled â€Å"Do the Dont’s. † Each ad depicted models breaking the rules, being rebellious, and going against what is expected by society. One of the ads shows a women dressed in business-like attire, pale skin, and hair done up in a boy-like style. She is leaning against a man dressed in complete contrast to her.He’s tan and dressed in a more feminine fashion with long shaggy hair, a tulle skirt, and carrying a purse. He stands causally like a female with h is hip cocked out to the side. In the background you see a pink mansion like house, with beautiful plants and magnificent windows. Above them it says â€Å"Do the Dont’s. † Below that in light blue, the phrase â€Å"You can always get what you want† is written in messy-like handwriting. The items being advertised is everything from clothes, purses, jewelry, and perfumes. The purse and the fur coat, the socks, and the black dress are all Juicy Couture.Below their feet is the unmistakable â€Å"Juicy Couture† logo. In big, bold, fancy lettering, outlined in white. The overall name for the campaign is a striking small simple phrase that catches the eyes and can hook audiences in. On the ad it’s in black block lettering, at the top of the picture in a small type of font. To say do what is unexpected of you is something Juicy already does however, for this campaign, they are saying if girls want to be a part of this fun, superficial, girly, unrealistic world, you have to be different. When the line first came out it was different kind of high fashion that no one had seen before.They then incorporated that into their whole theme of their ads by showing a more unrealistic view of the wealthy with a forward-thinking view of fashion The house is a girly fantasy, being that it is pink, but it also shows how the pair are probably rich, and the rest of the house is just as wonderfully exotic as the two in front of them. It’s like they are a part of this beautiful world that only a few are able to see and to be like those in the picture it is necessary to be just as unrealistic as them. â€Å"You can always get what you want† is the main concept of the advertisement.In a bright blue color and it look as if it was hastily written on top with a paint brush, it is the first thing to notice. The phrase is big, bright, and takes up most of the page making it truly stand out. The two phrases correspond with each other. If you â₠¬Å"do the dont’s† â€Å"you can always get what you want. † Or â€Å"you can always get what you want† by doing the â€Å"dont’s. † The phrase implies that with juicy couture you can get whatever you want. The models in the background give the message even more of a meaning with how they look. They give off the air that they truly can and do have whatever they want.It is even written like the person who wrote it, didn’t care about what people think. Who wouldn’t want to have everything? Jib Fowles in an article wrote about how advertising use different types of appeals in advertising. Fowles says as a â€Å"need for dominance† and a â€Å"need for prominence† is one of the ways that advertisers pull people in. This advertisement feeds the desire for women â€Å"enjoy prestige and high social status† (65). Women aspire to control and want to be admired. These appeals are shown in just the catchphrase of the a dvertisement, never mind the photo behind them.Although the writing may be the first thing seen behind it is an abstract photo Juicy is famous for. The female model is in control, and strongly dominates the photo. Her direct gaze toward the camera is confrontational showing she is unafraid of power, her smirk saying she already knows she’s got it all. She stands in a firm yet casual pose showing she’s comfortable with her status, even though to some people it could be unsettling. She’s happy and at ease with her life and wouldn’t change a thing. These aspects make her more of a conformist which is opposite of what a women in fashion should look like.She causally has her arm on his shoulder further showing her dominance. He is like her pet, or maybe her play toy (Brown et al). She is prime example as to what Fowles says about prominence and dominance. This model obviously shows both with her strong contrast to her male counterpart emphasizes this fact even more. Dressed casually like a girl the male model’s chest is bare showing to the audience that he’s not trying to be a girl but he’s not afraid feminine side (Brown et al). They differences between our very strange couple also leads into the â€Å"Do the Dont’s† aspect of the campaign.A man dressing like a woman is definitely going against the grain. In most advertisements men are shown as the strong leader of the person who dominates, but here it is quite clear that he couldn’t care less about being in control or anything. He is perfectly happy with his life and how he is dresses. This isn’t what is expected of a man today, not in the least. The point of the ad is to sell the viewer not a single commodity but to convince the consumer that wearing their clothing will lead them to a new lifestyle (Fowles 62).The ads instruct them to do whatever it takes to get the glamorous life they want, doing the â€Å"dont’s† and â⠂¬Å"making a mess. † However, it also emphasizes the fact that Juicy Couture is â€Å"Doing the dont’s† with their actually clothing line. With outlandish fashion rules they are trying to get audiences to remember fashion doesn’t have rules, and Juicy took that idea to the next level with their own set of rules. Women don’t have to listen to the conventional rules about life or about what they wear. The ad plays on feminine desires to be better looking than everyone else, to be different and in control.It’s an effective ad campaign, using certain techniques’ to make it fun and smart, and has a message that women all over the world are willing to listen to. Work Cited Brown, AnnaLisse, Perry Esing , and Talia Tiffany . Do the Dont's Juicy Couture  n. pag. academic. reed. edu. Web. 3 Oct 2012. Fowles, Jib. â€Å"Advertising's Fifteen Appeals. †Ã‚  Common Culture. Ed. Micheal Petracca and Ed. Madeliene Sorpure. Seventh Edition. N ew Jersay : Pearson, 2012. 54-72. Print. â€Å"Juicy Couture History and Information. †Ã‚  JuicyDeals. Juicy Couture Deals, 2009. Web. Web. 3 Oct. 2012. ;http://juicycouturedeals. com/juicy-couture-history-and-information/;.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

An Accurate Prediction of George Orwells Novel, 1984

George Orwell has written many classic books. One of these is 1984. This book, written in 1949, challenges many people’s views. The governmental party, headed by Big Brother, rewrites history to agree with their current views. 1984 depicts the horrors of communism and fascism in an unusual way, through the eyes of a semi-wealthy citizen. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair, the son of a British civil servant, in 1903 in Motihari, Bihar, in India. He married Eileen O’Shaughnessy in 1936, two years after writing his first book: Burmese Days. He published Animal Farm in 1945. 1984 was published one year before his death on January 21, 1950. Orwell also published various journalist columns, essays and poems. Orwell told his childhood friend Jacintha Buddicom: Wellington was ‘beastly’, but at Eton, another college he attended, he was ‘interested and happy’. Orwell was interested in natural history, and had a keen interest in ornithology, the study of birds. Although his life seemed fine and well, his works often seem to take a darker turn. The book takes place in 1984, or at least that’s what year the government says it is. Winston, the main character, works in the Ministry of Truth, where â€Å"lies† about the past are corrected to agree with the Party’s view at that time. The messages he receives to rewrite often contain hints toward a person who doesn’t exist, however, they were really just vaporized by the Party. Winston has questioned this in the past, but asShow MoreRelated1984 by George Orwell Essay822 Words   |  4 Pages1984 by George Orwell George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four is the ultimate negative utopia. Written in 1949 as an apocalyptic vision of the future, it shows the cruelty and pure horror of living in an utterly totalitarian world where all traces of individualism are being abolished. This novel was composed to denounce Hitler?s Germany and Stalin?s Russia and to create a warning to the rest of the world. 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