Thursday, November 21, 2019

Options for Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Options for Organization - Assignment Example Even though there are many advantages in implementing security systems in organizations there are some problems also. Therefore, the implementation of security should be done in an efficient manner, taking into consideration of all relevant factors relating to the business and the flew of information therein. Even though it is difficult to implement security, it is an inevitable part in any organization. Security enables an organization to manage the risks within the organization. The problems in an organization can be reduced to a great extent with the help of proper security measures. A company’s data can be kept confidential only if it has good security policies. The development and implementation of security policies helps an organization to meet the international standards. â€Å"Security touches so many different areas of business," says Allan Carey, program manager of security services and identity management research at Framingham, Mass.-based IDC. "With any type of new initiative or initiatives being driven by lines of business, security needs to be involved" (Kaplan). The analysis of security is done to recognize the exposure of security in a systematic way. Organizations should also be capable of evaluating the security methods adopted by their partners. The growing nu mber of threats has increased the importance of security in an organization. There can be both internal and external threats to any organization. Many organizations have suffered major losses due to the lack of security and leakage of information into unauthorized hands. Hackers, internal spying etc have become common in organizations. Proper security measures are needed to tackle these threats. The awareness about security requirements is thus very essential for every organization. There are some difficulties in setting and implementing a proper security system in an existing organization. It necessitates more funds to be invested for the implementation of

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