Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Information System for Telstra -

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Information System for TelstraOrganization. Answer: Introduction Information system is the organized system for successfully collecting, organizing, storing as well as communicating any typical information or data. Information system is the set of various components, which eventually interact with each other for producing proper information (Laudon and Laudon 2015). The focus of information system is on the internal data and not on the external data. This type of information systems are utilized by all organizations in todays world. The main aim is to make the services and functions of the organization, extremely easier, smoother and technology oriented. The following report outlines a brief discussion on the entire concept of information systems and information system services in a particular organization. The chosen organization in this particular report is Telstra Telecommunications Company of Australia. This report clearly depicts about the information system services and the utilization of this system within the organization. The several General Management Controls or the GMCs will also be mentioned here. The Application Controls used by Telstra and the proper comparison between GMCs and ACs will be explained in this report. The various risk management techniques that Telstra had adopted will also be given here. Moreover, this report further demonstrates about the audit plan undertaken by the organization. Depiction of Services and Use of Information System Telstra Corporation Ltd. or simply Telstra is the most popular telecommunications organizations in Australia. It solely builds as well as operates all types of networks of telecommunications, market voices, internet accessibility, television and many more. There are various other services and goods that are produced by the company ( 2018). In the recent survey, it had been noticed that Telstra provides 17.6 million mobile services, 5.1 million retail fixed voice services and 3.5 million retail fixed broadband services to Australia. They are supposed to bring and they have the aim to produce an excellent connected future for each and everyone. They want to provide information system services to its customers as well as employees in such a way that they do not suffer from any type of network distortion. Information system is the proper set or collection of components that are utilized for making the functions and services of nay business extremely simple and without complexities (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Information system plays the most significant role in any type of business operations. This particular system is responsible for making the business operation extremely successful and well accepted by all customers. Telstra is responsible for providing all types of network related services for their customers. Any services that are related to telecommunications are provided by this particular organization (Venkatesh, Brown and Bala 2013). Moreover, this particular organization has to deal with various confidential as well as bulk amount of data or information. The most important advantages of information system in any particular organization are to build up the communication. Since, Telstra is a telecommunications company, communication is the main factor in their organization. The customers should have a good relation with the organization so that it is successful in its business operations. The next important advantage is the vast availability. The organization is open for 24*7 and a customer support is present to answer all the queries of the customers. Information system can help in this particular scenario as they make the system and the organization available all the time for their customers (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Moreover, the cultural gaps are diminished and the globalization is enhanced within the business. Thus, information system is very important for Telstra organization. General Management Controls The GMCs or the General Management Controls are certain management controls that are undertaken by any organizational managers as well as employees to accomplish all the recognized goals and objectives of that organization (Davies, Dean and Ball 2013). These management controls are various operational methods, which enable the work for proceeding as planned by the management. The general management controls solely and effectively influence the total behaviour of the organizational resources for successfully implementing the various organizational strategies. The first and the most important criteria for implementing general management controls or GMCs within an organization is for mitigating the organizational risks and threats (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta 2016). This particular control eventually forms the complete foundation of the internal control systems and thus helping the organization to provide with efficient defence against the threats. The General Management Controls of the organization of Telstra is based on the three important components. They are the setting of standards, measuring the actual performance and taking corrective action (Rainer et al. 2013). The GMCs of this particular organization mainly include maintaining excellent relation with the customers and this helps to maintain the customer relationship management. The second GMC of the Telstra organization is providing proper training to all the employees so that they understand the importance of the job (Petter, DeLone and McLean 2013). The third GMC of Telstra mainly involves the compliance with laws and the integrity, competence and attitude. This helps to attain the organizational goals and objectives. Types of Application Controls Application control can be defined as the security practice, which helps in blocking or restricting all types of unauthorized applications from properly executing in various methods (Power, Sharda and Burstein 2015). These methods are such methods that are responsible for putting the data at risk. The application control mainly involves the validity checking, identification, completeness checking, input controls, authorization as well as forensic controls. These controls are distinct types of controls that are utilized by all organizations for controlling the computerized applications like the online learning systems, payroll systems or any other important business related applications (Cassidy 2016). Telstra utilizes various types of application controls within their organizations. The various types of application controls mainly include: i) Completeness Checking: This type of application control helps in controlling the ensured record processing from starting till the end. ii) Validity Checking: This type of application control ensures that only the valid and correct data is being processed (Kravets and Lapshina 2013). Identification: This type of application control ensures unique or irrefutable identification of each and every user. iv) Authorization: It ensures access to the application system by only authorized users. v) Authentication: It provides the mechanism of application system authentication. vi) Input Controls: It ensures the data integrity within the application system from all types of upstream sources (Van Der Aalst, La Rosa and Santoro 2016). Forensic Controls: It ensures the perfect data on the basis of inputs and outputs. Comparison of GMCs and ACs for Information System The General Management Controls and the Application Controls are both utilized for the information system. The information technology General Management Controls are the policies as well as the procedures, which relate to several applications and thus support the efficient functionalities of the application controls by simply helping for ensuring the fact that the proper operation of the information system is continued (Panetto and Cecil 2013). These general management controls are applied to mainframe, end user environments and servers. The GMCs mainly involve the controls over the data centre and the network operations, acquisition of the system software, changing and maintenance, accessing of security, acquisition of application system, development as well as maintenance (Whittington 2014). The other IT general controls are the physical security of assets by including the adequate safeguards like the secured facilities and the authorization of the access to data files and computer programs. The Application Controls of the Information Technology are those controls, which could be related to the particular applications of computer software and all the individual transactions (Arvidsson, Holmstrm and Lyytinen 2014). The key factors in the information technology application controls are the identification, authorization, and authentication, validity checking, input controls and checking of completeness. These are different from GMCs as ACs is responsible controlling all the applications; whereas GMCs are responsible for controlling overall management of the any particular organization. Risk Management Techniques Reliability, Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity and Security The risk management techniques that are adopted by the organization of Telstra are mainly responsible for ensuring the reliability, confidentiality, availability, integrity and security. Two such techniques are adopted by Telstra. They are as follows: i) Avoidance: It is considered as the best method of controlling the losses (Laudon and Laudon 2015). This is simply because the risk is avoided properly. It thus helps to maintain the integrity of the organizational or business processes. The risks are avoided for eliminating the threats. ii) Loss Prevention: It is the technique by which loss is prevented and not eliminated. This particular technique accepts the risk and attempts to reduce the loss. Security and reliability are strictly maintained by this particular technique (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Risk Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control Risk identification, assessment and control are the most important three factors in any organization. Telstra has adopted two distinct techniques for controlling their risks. They are as follows: i) Loss Reduction: The particular technique helps to reduce the loss that is incurred by the risks in any organization (Venkatesh, Brown and Bala 2013). It only accepts the risk and this helps to identify as well as assess and control the risk significantly. ii) Separation: This technique involves several key assets. It ensures that if any type of catastrophe occurs in a business operation, the risk would be easily controlled and managed by the organization. Importance of Auditing Information System Auditing can be defined as the survey that is being done by any organization to check whether the systems of the company are being misused by the employees or not and also for determining and identifying the culprits behind this (Galliers and Leidner 2014). The information system of the Telstra organization is audited in every seven days for checking the fact that whether the employees are misusing them or not. IS is responsible for storing all types of confidential data or information and thus any type of vulnerability can cause major loss to the company (Davies, Dean and Ball 2013). Moreover, it helps to safeguard the data quality of the organization by an audit plan and process. The audit plan of Telstra is given below: i) Identifying the characteristic of Audit Engagement ii) Defining Report Requirement Assessing the Conflict of Interest iv) Risks Assessment v) Accessing of necessary record and documents (Rainer et al. 2015). The audit process of Telstra is given below: i) Notifying the employees ii) Discussing the scope and objectives Gathering information on vital processes iv) Evaluating existing controls v) Executing the plan. Conclusion and Recommendations Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that, information system can be defined as the structured arrangement that is utilized for the collection, organization, storage and also communication between information. It can also defined as the collection of complementary networks, which all types of organizations and individuals utilize for the proper filtering, collection, creation and distribution of data. IS or Information system is the collection of several elements, that after interacting with one another produces accurate and error free information or data. This type of information systems are used by all company in the present days. Moreover, it makes the functions and services technology based. The above report has outlined a detailed discussion on complete concept of IS or information systems services in any specific organization. Telstra Telecommunications Company is the selected organization in this case. It is one of the most popular organizations in the sect or of telecommunications in Australia. This report has clearly depicted regarding the services of information system and also the proper use of information system in Telstra. The various GMCs or General Management Controls are well explained here. Moreover, the ACs or the Application Controls that are being utilized by Telstra Company and the significant comparison between ACs and GMCs are provided in the report. The several techniques of risk management, which Telstra Company had solely adopted are also given here. Furthermore, the report has also demonstrated the audit plan and processes of the selected organization, Telstra. It is highly recommended to Telstra to upgrade their information system for getting more advantages and benefits from the system. The major objective of the information system is to create all the functions and services of any organization, absolutely simpler and smoother. References Arvidsson, V., Holmstrm, J. and Lyytinen, K., 2014. Information systems use as strategy practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system implementation and use.The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,23(1), pp.45-61. Cassidy, A., 2016.A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Davies, R.S., Dean, D.L. and Ball, N., 2013. Flipping the classroom and instructional technology integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course.Educational Technology Research and Development,61(4), pp.563-580. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. 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