Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis of Dostoevsky and Nietzsches Literature Essay

Analysis of Dostoevsky and Nietzsches Literature Friedrich Nietzsche once said, â€Å"Dostoevsky, the only one who has taught me anything about psychology.† The two writers share many similarities and differences. Dostoevsky clearly had an effect on the thinking of Nietzsche. The two would be considered both philosophers and psychologists. Both writers became prominent in the late 19th century in Germany and Russia respectively. Dostoevsky was noted for his Russian literary classics and would be responsible for a flowering of late 19th century Russian literary culture. His Russian contemporaries include Leo Tostoy and Anton Chekov. Dostoevsky’s most famous works include The Brothers Karamozov, The Idiot, and Crime and Punishment.†¦show more content†¦Originally, just Alyona is to be murdered and the she would be robbed. The reasons for this will be explained later in the following sections of the novel and this essay. Rodya has now committed the terrible deed of murder. He now begins to try to reason out the murder through philosophy. This philosophy he uses would be considered very Nietzschian by any standards. While sorting out the ins and outs of why he has done this, he falls into a catatonic sickness. For days the only person to visit him is his fellow student Razumihin. Rodya, in and out of consciousness, mutters things about the murder. No one, however, can understand what he is saying. Eventually, Rodya comes to and is forced to go to the police chief, Porfiry. Porfiry would prove to be a worthy adversary for Rodya and would be instrumental in Rodya’s later admission of guilt. He would begin to suspect Rodya almost immediately through his own pure instinct. At this point in the story there is no evidence that points to Raskolnikov as being the assailant. The novel begins to slow down in pace at this time. New characters are introduced and subplots begin to develop. These subplots include Rodya’s sister, Dounia and her attempt at marriage with a rich senator named Luzhin. Dounia had worked for a friend of Luzhin, Marfa Petrovna. Marfa was a rich woman who owned an estate. Dounia was a domestic servant on the estate. Living there also was Svidrigailov, Marfa’s husband. They wereShow MoreRelatedA Marxist View Of Crime And Punishment. Dostoevsky’S Crime1881 Words   |  8 Pagesthe famous idea of Nietzschean, ubermensch ideology. Although, in comparison to Nietzsche’s major philosophy of a Napoleonic will to rule, Dostoevsky reforms his characters with Christian forgiveness. This essay is showing the analyzation of Crime and Punishment as if it were a Marxist piece of literature that shows the exclusion of the lower class in Saint Petersburg, Russia in the 19th century. Throughout this analysis of Crime and Punishment, an argument will be made that will be a follow up inRead MoreA Comparative Analysis of the Various Contemporary Theologies Presented by Paul Enns and Millard J. Erickson3614 Words   |  15 PagesComparative Analysis Of The Various Contemporary Theologies For Systematic Theology TH 200 This paper is an attempt to assemble a comparative analysis of the various contemporary theologies presented by Paul Enns and Millard J. Erickson. In order to do a comparison we first need to understand the individuals involved and how theology is defined by each of these individuals. Generally speaking the term theology comes to us from Greek words meaning â€Å"the study of God†. AccordingRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 Pagesadmissible in great literature, posing universal problems, as seriousness. Certain essential aspects of the universe are accessible only to laughter.†10 Bakhtin includes the Frenchman Rabelais, the Spaniard Cervantes (author of Don Quixote), and the Englishman Shakespeare as the three great writers of this early era when humor often reflected wisdom. He also mentions the Dutchman Erasmus’s In Praise of Folly (1509) as â€Å"one of the greatest creations of carnival laughter in world literature.†11 Since Erasmus

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Most Neglected Fact Regarding Term Paper Example Apa Uncovered

The Most Neglected Fact Regarding Term Paper Example Apa Uncovered Definitions of Term Paper Example Apa The evaluation portion of the paper is your opportunity to do a little bit of philosophy of your own. For quite a few reasons, the expression paper has come to be the normal unit of educational progress measurement, and students want to learn the art to get the best outcomes. Writing a term paper is a tricky task as it is and the truth is you aren't likely to have the ability to pass your post-graduate amount of education, if you don't do a couple of research assignments. Every examples term paper, at our website, is supposed to underline the high degree of professionalism which our writers have and to demonstrate their proficiency. Always be certain to take a look at the review my essay section of any writing service website you're contemplating using. The key parts should incorporate an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your title page is the initial impression of your work so make certain it will capture your reader's interest. There are lots of paper templates to select from, but a lot of the time your instructor will require a specific format for the entire class to follow. The expression paper abstract is a significant portion of the paper. Few are worried about the simple fact that using examples term paper can be known as cheating. True, such sort of assignment for a term paper takes a scrupulous strategy, time and confidence that you're doing it right. The abstract ought to be titled with the centered word Abstract'' at the cover of the page. Other sites and custom writing services may supply you with an APA format term paper that isn't original and has been sold various times. Next tips will reveal to you just how to fulfill the goal of research paper introduction and remove the creative mess. From a good example term paper, it is possible for you to learn many essential things. Otherwise, the very same rules apply. You will also need to verify that each idea you place into your term paper could be verifiable. In reality, don't have any reason to be concerned about a thing because herein, we will reveal to you using the best guidelines and examples, how to compose a term paper introduction easily. Get to know the purpose of an introduction An introduction has a significant role in a paper and it's important that you know its importance before beginning to write. Frequently, what distinguishes an outstanding paper from a merely good paper is the depth and high quality of their explanations. Show how you plan to go over the field In writing the debut of a term paper, you also need to tell the readers the aspects you will look at therein and possibly, the sequence in which they'll be discussed. Typically, writing an engaging and efficient introduction for a term paper is crucial since it makes writing a thriving term paper easy. Top Term Paper Example Apa Secrets Not many people today can dash off a superior paper in one sitting! Students, but do not observe the hidden risks. They have a great temptation to find shortcuts in their studies. They often give in to the temptation of using technical words to look smart. Buying a research paper sample for college submission is among the options. Forcing yourself to finish your assignment is only going to cause a half-hearted work. Even people that are not in drug court could be negatively affected by them, since drug courts are associated with increased arrests and incarceration sometimes. Poor grades today can negatively impact your future.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Information System for Telstra - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Information System for TelstraOrganization. Answer: Introduction Information system is the organized system for successfully collecting, organizing, storing as well as communicating any typical information or data. Information system is the set of various components, which eventually interact with each other for producing proper information (Laudon and Laudon 2015). The focus of information system is on the internal data and not on the external data. This type of information systems are utilized by all organizations in todays world. The main aim is to make the services and functions of the organization, extremely easier, smoother and technology oriented. The following report outlines a brief discussion on the entire concept of information systems and information system services in a particular organization. The chosen organization in this particular report is Telstra Telecommunications Company of Australia. This report clearly depicts about the information system services and the utilization of this system within the organization. The several General Management Controls or the GMCs will also be mentioned here. The Application Controls used by Telstra and the proper comparison between GMCs and ACs will be explained in this report. The various risk management techniques that Telstra had adopted will also be given here. Moreover, this report further demonstrates about the audit plan undertaken by the organization. Depiction of Services and Use of Information System Telstra Corporation Ltd. or simply Telstra is the most popular telecommunications organizations in Australia. It solely builds as well as operates all types of networks of telecommunications, market voices, internet accessibility, television and many more. There are various other services and goods that are produced by the company (Telstra.com.au. 2018). In the recent survey, it had been noticed that Telstra provides 17.6 million mobile services, 5.1 million retail fixed voice services and 3.5 million retail fixed broadband services to Australia. They are supposed to bring and they have the aim to produce an excellent connected future for each and everyone. They want to provide information system services to its customers as well as employees in such a way that they do not suffer from any type of network distortion. Information system is the proper set or collection of components that are utilized for making the functions and services of nay business extremely simple and without complexities (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Information system plays the most significant role in any type of business operations. This particular system is responsible for making the business operation extremely successful and well accepted by all customers. Telstra is responsible for providing all types of network related services for their customers. Any services that are related to telecommunications are provided by this particular organization (Venkatesh, Brown and Bala 2013). Moreover, this particular organization has to deal with various confidential as well as bulk amount of data or information. The most important advantages of information system in any particular organization are to build up the communication. Since, Telstra is a telecommunications company, communication is the main factor in their organization. The customers should have a good relation with the organization so that it is successful in its business operations. The next important advantage is the vast availability. The organization is open for 24*7 and a customer support is present to answer all the queries of the customers. Information system can help in this particular scenario as they make the system and the organization available all the time for their customers (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Moreover, the cultural gaps are diminished and the globalization is enhanced within the business. Thus, information system is very important for Telstra organization. General Management Controls The GMCs or the General Management Controls are certain management controls that are undertaken by any organizational managers as well as employees to accomplish all the recognized goals and objectives of that organization (Davies, Dean and Ball 2013). These management controls are various operational methods, which enable the work for proceeding as planned by the management. The general management controls solely and effectively influence the total behaviour of the organizational resources for successfully implementing the various organizational strategies. The first and the most important criteria for implementing general management controls or GMCs within an organization is for mitigating the organizational risks and threats (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta 2016). This particular control eventually forms the complete foundation of the internal control systems and thus helping the organization to provide with efficient defence against the threats. The General Management Controls of the organization of Telstra is based on the three important components. They are the setting of standards, measuring the actual performance and taking corrective action (Rainer et al. 2013). The GMCs of this particular organization mainly include maintaining excellent relation with the customers and this helps to maintain the customer relationship management. The second GMC of the Telstra organization is providing proper training to all the employees so that they understand the importance of the job (Petter, DeLone and McLean 2013). The third GMC of Telstra mainly involves the compliance with laws and the integrity, competence and attitude. This helps to attain the organizational goals and objectives. Types of Application Controls Application control can be defined as the security practice, which helps in blocking or restricting all types of unauthorized applications from properly executing in various methods (Power, Sharda and Burstein 2015). These methods are such methods that are responsible for putting the data at risk. The application control mainly involves the validity checking, identification, completeness checking, input controls, authorization as well as forensic controls. These controls are distinct types of controls that are utilized by all organizations for controlling the computerized applications like the online learning systems, payroll systems or any other important business related applications (Cassidy 2016). Telstra utilizes various types of application controls within their organizations. The various types of application controls mainly include: i) Completeness Checking: This type of application control helps in controlling the ensured record processing from starting till the end. ii) Validity Checking: This type of application control ensures that only the valid and correct data is being processed (Kravets and Lapshina 2013). Identification: This type of application control ensures unique or irrefutable identification of each and every user. iv) Authorization: It ensures access to the application system by only authorized users. v) Authentication: It provides the mechanism of application system authentication. vi) Input Controls: It ensures the data integrity within the application system from all types of upstream sources (Van Der Aalst, La Rosa and Santoro 2016). Forensic Controls: It ensures the perfect data on the basis of inputs and outputs. Comparison of GMCs and ACs for Information System The General Management Controls and the Application Controls are both utilized for the information system. The information technology General Management Controls are the policies as well as the procedures, which relate to several applications and thus support the efficient functionalities of the application controls by simply helping for ensuring the fact that the proper operation of the information system is continued (Panetto and Cecil 2013). These general management controls are applied to mainframe, end user environments and servers. The GMCs mainly involve the controls over the data centre and the network operations, acquisition of the system software, changing and maintenance, accessing of security, acquisition of application system, development as well as maintenance (Whittington 2014). The other IT general controls are the physical security of assets by including the adequate safeguards like the secured facilities and the authorization of the access to data files and computer programs. The Application Controls of the Information Technology are those controls, which could be related to the particular applications of computer software and all the individual transactions (Arvidsson, Holmstrm and Lyytinen 2014). The key factors in the information technology application controls are the identification, authorization, and authentication, validity checking, input controls and checking of completeness. These are different from GMCs as ACs is responsible controlling all the applications; whereas GMCs are responsible for controlling overall management of the any particular organization. Risk Management Techniques Reliability, Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity and Security The risk management techniques that are adopted by the organization of Telstra are mainly responsible for ensuring the reliability, confidentiality, availability, integrity and security. Two such techniques are adopted by Telstra. They are as follows: i) Avoidance: It is considered as the best method of controlling the losses (Laudon and Laudon 2015). This is simply because the risk is avoided properly. It thus helps to maintain the integrity of the organizational or business processes. The risks are avoided for eliminating the threats. ii) Loss Prevention: It is the technique by which loss is prevented and not eliminated. This particular technique accepts the risk and attempts to reduce the loss. Security and reliability are strictly maintained by this particular technique (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Risk Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control Risk identification, assessment and control are the most important three factors in any organization. Telstra has adopted two distinct techniques for controlling their risks. They are as follows: i) Loss Reduction: The particular technique helps to reduce the loss that is incurred by the risks in any organization (Venkatesh, Brown and Bala 2013). It only accepts the risk and this helps to identify as well as assess and control the risk significantly. ii) Separation: This technique involves several key assets. It ensures that if any type of catastrophe occurs in a business operation, the risk would be easily controlled and managed by the organization. Importance of Auditing Information System Auditing can be defined as the survey that is being done by any organization to check whether the systems of the company are being misused by the employees or not and also for determining and identifying the culprits behind this (Galliers and Leidner 2014). The information system of the Telstra organization is audited in every seven days for checking the fact that whether the employees are misusing them or not. IS is responsible for storing all types of confidential data or information and thus any type of vulnerability can cause major loss to the company (Davies, Dean and Ball 2013). Moreover, it helps to safeguard the data quality of the organization by an audit plan and process. The audit plan of Telstra is given below: i) Identifying the characteristic of Audit Engagement ii) Defining Report Requirement Assessing the Conflict of Interest iv) Risks Assessment v) Accessing of necessary record and documents (Rainer et al. 2015). The audit process of Telstra is given below: i) Notifying the employees ii) Discussing the scope and objectives Gathering information on vital processes iv) Evaluating existing controls v) Executing the plan. Conclusion and Recommendations Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that, information system can be defined as the structured arrangement that is utilized for the collection, organization, storage and also communication between information. It can also defined as the collection of complementary networks, which all types of organizations and individuals utilize for the proper filtering, collection, creation and distribution of data. IS or Information system is the collection of several elements, that after interacting with one another produces accurate and error free information or data. This type of information systems are used by all company in the present days. Moreover, it makes the functions and services technology based. The above report has outlined a detailed discussion on complete concept of IS or information systems services in any specific organization. Telstra Telecommunications Company is the selected organization in this case. It is one of the most popular organizations in the sect or of telecommunications in Australia. This report has clearly depicted regarding the services of information system and also the proper use of information system in Telstra. The various GMCs or General Management Controls are well explained here. Moreover, the ACs or the Application Controls that are being utilized by Telstra Company and the significant comparison between ACs and GMCs are provided in the report. The several techniques of risk management, which Telstra Company had solely adopted are also given here. Furthermore, the report has also demonstrated the audit plan and processes of the selected organization, Telstra. It is highly recommended to Telstra to upgrade their information system for getting more advantages and benefits from the system. The major objective of the information system is to create all the functions and services of any organization, absolutely simpler and smoother. References Arvidsson, V., Holmstrm, J. and Lyytinen, K., 2014. Information systems use as strategy practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system implementation and use.The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,23(1), pp.45-61. Cassidy, A., 2016.A practical guide to information systems strategic planning. CRC press. Davies, R.S., Dean, D.L. and Ball, N., 2013. Flipping the classroom and instructional technology integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course.Educational Technology Research and Development,61(4), pp.563-580. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Kravets, O.J. and Lapshina, M.L., 2013. Mathematical and program software for designing intranet-interfaces during competitive development of information systems.American Journal of Control Systems an Information Technology, (2), p.11. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2015.Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm Plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText--Access Card Package. Prentice Hall Press. Panetto, H. and Cecil, J., 2013. Information systems for enterprise integration, interoperability and networking: theory and applications. Pearlson, K.E., Saunders, C.S. and Galletta, D.F., 2016.Managing and Using Information Systems, Binder Ready Version: A Strategic Approach. John Wiley Sons. Petter, S., DeLone, W. and McLean, E.R., 2013. Information systems success: The quest for the independent variables.Journal of Management Information Systems,29(4), pp.7-62. Power, D.J., Sharda, R. and Burstein, F., 2015.Decision support systems. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Rainer, R.K., Cegielski, C.G., Splettstoesser-Hogeterp, I. and Sanchez-Rodriguez, C., 2013.Introduction to information systems. John Wiley Sons. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2013.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Telstra.com.au. (2018).Telstra - mobile phones, prepaid phones, broadband, internet, home phones, business phones. [online] Available at: https://www.telstra.com.au/ [Accessed 31 Mar. 2018]. Van Der Aalst, W.M., La Rosa, M. and Santoro, F.M., 2016. Business process management. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1). Whittington, R., 2014. Information systems strategy and strategy-as-practice: a joint agenda.The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,23(1), pp.87-91.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Napoleon of animal farm free essay sample

Animal Farm written by Orwell is a satire of communism. Throughout the book one can see the true effects that communism has on people, and not the covered up communism that is displayed to the world. One of the lead characters in animal farm is Napoleon. Napoleon is a Berkshire boar who eventually becomes the leader of the farm. Napoleon is also a representation of Josef Stalin. Through napoleons life one can see that true communism is cruel, inhuman, and capable of any dastardly deed. Napoleon is a cruel, conniving pig. Napoleon doesn’t play much of a role in the initial rebellion. After the dust settles he trains nine dogs (the KGB) to chase away his rival Snowball from power. Snowball was more popular than Napoleon so napoleon had to create a secret weapon to keep him in check. When the dogs return to him after they chased snowball off, â€Å"It was noticed that they wagged their tails to him in the same way as the other dogs had been used to do to Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Napoleon of animal farm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jones. †(53)The dogs served as napoleons secret police eventually assassinating snowball. He sets himself up in a position that no one could touch. He â€Å"Spent all his time in the farmhouse, which was guarded at each door by fierce-looking dogs. †(55) As soon as he moves to power, it becomes clear that he has very little interest in Old Major’s prophecy. Napoleon doesn’t care if all animals are equal or if they control the means of production. Napoleon was a greedy pig that wanted more that he already had and he was willing to do almost anything to get more. When the harvest started to fail Napoleon decides to fill the granaries with sand to hide the smaller harvest. He did this to show how great his system worked, but Animal Farm’s productivity slumped off. We can see that napoleon was a cruel, conniving pig that would stop at nothing to get his way. Napoleon is inhuman to the other animals. Napoleon squashes the hen rebellion by cutting off their food rations, causing a number of hens to die of starvation. Then Napoleon demands that various animals come forward and make false confessions before the group. He gets rid of anyone contradicts him. After he reveals them as traitors, â€Å"the dogs promptly tore their throats out. In this way, Napoleon takes out the four pigs who sometimes disagreed with him, and the hens who acted as ringleaders in the rebellion. Napoleon, like Stalin, had a â€Å"Great Purge† discrediting and killing any that opposed him. â€Å"And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood, which had been unknown there since the time of Jones. †(84) Napoleon was capable of any dastardly deed. To make sure he is untouchable Napoleon would protects himself on all fronts. With the help of Squealer and the other pigs, he re-wrote history, turning Snowball into a villain, and increasing his own role in the Rebellion, without showing the truth behind the story. He used his political power to essentially re-write Russian history, giving himself a much larger role in the revolution than he had actually played. He relied on the stronger animals, like Boxer and Benjamin to influence the others. If anyone questioned him, he had sheep chant loudly over their protests. At the same time, napoleon kept tight control over the media. He made statues and paintings of himself so the children would have to see him. When he was questioned about disobeying his own rules he has Squealer explain that they were only doing it to, â€Å"Carry out our duties†. (67) Whether or not Napoleon’s the most intelligent pig on the farm, we know that he’s certainly the most cunning. By the end of the novel, Animal Farm is run according to Napoleon’s will. Through napoleons life one can see the true heart of communism and the effect that it has on millions of lives. By looking at Napoleons life one can see that true communism is cruel, inhuman, and capable of any dastardly deed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses

Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses Participles and Perfect Verb Tenses By Maeve Maddox Some comments I received on the post about the forms of the irregular verb drink indicate that not everyone is clear as to how participles are used to form verb tenses that use the helping verbs has, have and had. Heres a review. Participles are verb forms, but they are incomplete. In order to function as real verbs, they must be used with helping verbs. English has two participles: the present participle and the past participle. The present participle always ends in -ing: jumping, skiing, writing, drinking, sighing, etc. The past participle usually ends in -ed, as in called, climbed, interrogated, and studied. Many verbs, however, have past participles that do not end in -ed. Some, for example, end in -en: write/wrote/(have) written bite/bit/(have) bitten take/took/(have) taken Some end in -t: mean/meant/(have) meant creep/crept/(have) crept sleep/slept/(have) slept Many irregular verbs, like drink, have distinctive past participle forms: drink/drank/(have) drunk go/went/(have) gone am-is/was/(have) been slay/slew/(have) slain Participles have numerous uses, but right now Im just looking at how they are used to form the following verb tenses: present perfect past perfect present perfect progressive past perfect progressive Present Perfect The present perfect tense is used to describe a) an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past b) an action that that began in the past and continues in the present The helping verbs used with the past participle to form the present perfect tense are has and have: The House of Windsor has ruled England since 1917. My sister has tried every kind of shampoo on the market. We have written to them numerous times without receiving an answer. Past Perfect Tense The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that took place in the past before another past action. The helping verb used with the past participle to form the past perfect is had: Before reinforcements arrived, the enemy had captured most of the men. Present Perfect Progressive The present perfect progressive describes an action that began in the past, continues in the present, and may continue into the future. The present participle is used with the helping verbs has been and have been to form the present perfect progressive: I have been thinking about going to France one more time. Charlie has been trying to make the team for two years now. We have been sitting in the park for hours. The teachers have been meeting after school to plan the new schedules. Past Perfect Progressive The past perfect progressive describes a past, ongoing action that was completed before some other past action. The present participle is used with the helping verbs had been to form the past perfect progressive: When the accident occurred, she had been talking on her cell phone. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the Future60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†What’s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile

Maurice De Vlaminck - Artist Profile Movement, Style, School or Type of Art: Fauvism is the movement with which Vlaminck will always be most closely associated. However, Fauvism was a very short movement and the artist had a very long career. His work briefly leaned towards Cubism (which he professed to loathe) prior to World War I; afterwards it settled into an Expressionistic style that Vlaminck maintained for the rest of his life. The important thing to remember is that, regardless of which labels we now assign to his work, he (a self-taught artist) operated instinctively. He didnt and wouldnt care what we call his approachhe was simply being true to his gut. Date and Place of Birth: April 4, 1876, Paris Maurice was born to two musicians: Edmond Julien de Vlaminck, his father, was a pianist, violinist and tenor. His mother, Josephine Grillet, who was from Lorraine, was also a pianist. Because the artist grew up in this household, music came as naturally to him as breathing. In the early years of his adult life, he was able to help support his young family by taking on violin students and getting the occasional paying gig. But, even though it was second-nature, music never lit the fires of passion in Vlaminck that visual art did. Early Life: Young Maurice didnt have the benefit of a top-drawer education, but he was intellectually curious, emotionally fearless and physically imposing. Vlaminck grew to be a tall, strong, red-haired man prone to wearing loud colors and a gaudy wooden necktie. He married for the first time in his teens and worked (in addition to giving music lessons) to support his wife and daughters as a wrestler, billiards shooter, mechanic, laborer and professional cyclist before a bout with typhus weakened him. He also discovered that he could write, and penned several risquà © novelsanything to pay the bills. How He Came to Art: Vlaminck had taken a smattering of drawing classes and tried his hand at painting, but it was a chance incident that reportedly led him to make art his career. While serving his mandatory 3-year military obligation, he met the painter Andrà © Derain in 1900, when the train on which both men were riding derailed. A lifelong friendship was struck, as well as a deal to share a studio in Chatou. It was in this picturesque Seine valley villagepreviously popular with the Impressioniststhat Vlaminck began painting in earnest. (Never a thought towards selling, mind you. He quite simply was overcome by the urge to paint.) When Art Noticed Him: Vlaminck attended a Parisian van Gogh exhibition in 1901 and was blown away by Vincents color choices. At this same show, Derain introduced his studio mate to Henri Matisseperhaps the most bold colorist to ever hold a brush. Vlaminck absorbed these options, and spent the next few years pouring riotously-hued landscapes back out onto canvas. Convinced by Derain and Matisse to show, Vlaminck began exhibiting with them in 1904. The 1905 Salon dAutomne exhibition was where the trio and a few other like minded artists received the (snarky) moniker fauves (wild beasts) from the art critic Louis Vauxcelle. Ironically, the indifferent-to-sales Vlaminck began to sell any- and everything he painted, so in demand were the canvases of this wild beast. After meeting Paul Cà ©zanne, Vlamincks work took a turn towards balancing color with more structured compositions. He is best known today for his Fauvism perioda span of no more than seven years. Vlamincks later work (the bulk of his career) continued to concentrate on color, sell well and be seen in exhibitions that he did not attend. In addition to painting, he produced some fine lithographs, etchings and woodcuts, and authored and illustrated a number of books. Important Works: Man Smoking a Pipe, 1900Portrait of Derain, 1905Potato Pickers, 1905-07Self Portrait, 1912The Red Tractor, 1956 Date and Place of Death: October 11, 1958, Rueil-la-Gadelià ¨re, Eure-et-Loir, France Vlaminck apparently expended most of the drama in his life on his paintings. He died peacefully of old age at La Tourillià ¨re, the farmhouse he bought in 1925. How To Pronounce Vlaminck: vlah ·mink This is the French pronunciation of the Belgian spelling of Vlaming, more commonly known as Fleming (person from Flanders) in the English-speaking world. Quotes From Maurice de Vlaminck: Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained.I heightened all my tone values and transposed into an orchestration of pure color with every single thing I felt. I was a tender-hearted savage filled with violence. I translated what I saw instinctively, without any method, and conveyed truth, not so much artistically but humanely.I seem initially to have followed Fauvism, and then to have followed in Cà ©zannes footsteps. WhateverI do not mind ... as long as first of all I remained Vlaminck. Sources and Further Reading Derain, Andrà ©. Lettres Vlaminck.Paris : Flammarion, 1955. Rewald, John. Vlaminck (1876-1958) His Fauve Period (1903-1907).New York : Perls Galleries, 1968.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck.New York : Crown Publishers, 1963.Buy Direct Selz, Jean. Vlaminck, Maurice deGrove Art Online. Oxford University Press, 7 November 2008.Read a review of Grove Art Online. Vlaminck, Maurice de. Vlaminck, Master of Graphic Art: A RetrospectiveExhibition of Graphic Works, 1905-1926 (exh. cat.).Chicago : R. S. Johnson-International Gallery, 1975. Walterskirchen, Katalin De. Maurice De VlaminckCatalogue Raisonne De Loeuvre Grave.Paris : Flammarion, 1974.Buy Direct Go to Artist Profiles: Names beginning with V or Artist Profiles: Main Index

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Options for Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Options for Organization - Assignment Example Even though there are many advantages in implementing security systems in organizations there are some problems also. Therefore, the implementation of security should be done in an efficient manner, taking into consideration of all relevant factors relating to the business and the flew of information therein. Even though it is difficult to implement security, it is an inevitable part in any organization. Security enables an organization to manage the risks within the organization. The problems in an organization can be reduced to a great extent with the help of proper security measures. A company’s data can be kept confidential only if it has good security policies. The development and implementation of security policies helps an organization to meet the international standards. â€Å"Security touches so many different areas of business," says Allan Carey, program manager of security services and identity management research at Framingham, Mass.-based IDC. "With any type of new initiative or initiatives being driven by lines of business, security needs to be involved" (Kaplan). The analysis of security is done to recognize the exposure of security in a systematic way. Organizations should also be capable of evaluating the security methods adopted by their partners. The growing nu mber of threats has increased the importance of security in an organization. There can be both internal and external threats to any organization. Many organizations have suffered major losses due to the lack of security and leakage of information into unauthorized hands. Hackers, internal spying etc have become common in organizations. Proper security measures are needed to tackle these threats. The awareness about security requirements is thus very essential for every organization. There are some difficulties in setting and implementing a proper security system in an existing organization. It necessitates more funds to be invested for the implementation of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Third-party consultant to perform a penetration test Term Paper

Third-party consultant to perform a penetration test - Term Paper Example This poses a threat to the ability of the organization to protect their secret information and other essential information that should not be exposure to the public or unauthorized persons. The most commonly deployed security systems include anti-virus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. The organizations and institutions are interested in securing their information systems in order to protect some of the vital information and contents that are restricted to non-executive members of the firm. However, this is not very effective as these institutions are faced with the task of ensuring proper information security. It is reported that most organization incurs losses because their security systems are hacked and critical details of the organization exposure to the competitors and enemies. This therefore lowers the ability of the organization to excel and protects its key information systems. The business community is not spared too. Hackers pose a great security threat to the secrecy of information of organizations and the business community. ... ically a method in which the security of a network and the computers that are involved in the network are evaluated so as to determine the degree of security on the network or the strength of the response to the breach of the security. It is also referred to as a pentest which is a short form of the term in full. A penetration test is conducted by simulating an attack to the system from either external or internal threats, or both, on a network or a computer system (Allen, 2012). It is therefore evident that penetration testing is vital for ABC Company which has high presence in the internet. In the present day, the world is indeed a global village and due to the fact that information is power, every organization endeavors to protect its information from people who would go to any length to obtain information from an organization. Organizations and institutions use penetration test as a way of identifying the weakness and vulnerabilities of their security and network systems and maki ng necessary protection measures. The penetration test entails the application of attacking methods that are conducted by professional who are entrusted with the organization’s essential information. However, the same attacking systems are used by the hackers and hostile intruders, hence posing more threat to the organization following the fact that such information are very sensitive to be exposed. Depending on the nature and type of the penetration test to be conducted, the entire security building process entails IP address scan in order to assist in the identification process of machines used in the offering of the system information and other services with known degree of vulnerability and further exploiting the existence of any unpatched operation system that may also be vulnerable

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Good for Another Essay Example for Free

Good for Another Essay We were in our final year in secondary school, and we were asked to pay for WAEC and NECO fees. Some paid for WAEC only, some paid for NECO only, while some paid for both. Three weeks before the closing date, me and my friend went out for break, though it was prohibited to eat your breakfast in the class but me and Ada often eat there. That day, when we went into class, we were surprise to see one of our classmate; Sarah crying. We asked her why she was crying and she told us her parent cannot afford to pay for her WAEC or NECO fees. I was touched by the way she was crying and I promise her I would pay for her, I told her I would tell my parents and I was sure they will pay for her. Me and Ada told her to wipe her tears before the rest of the student came in from break. That day, when I reached home I told my mother about it and she promised to pay for her WAEC only, that she would give me the money in two days. We all graduated from secondary school and we all made our result and almost all of us furthered our education to Universities of various types. I lost contact with Ada and Sarah since then but, you know; Life have to go on. I was at the school cafà © one day when I saw Sarah, oh my God! I can’t believe I was seeing her, we were so happy to see each other again after our life in secondary school. We talked for so long, and through our chatting I discovered her Dad was now rich, and she was studying Law. We exchanged phone numbers and hostel Numbers. We became friends again. At the end of second semester in school, I went home only to find out my father was dead, he was hit by a bus the night before the day I came home. I wept, oh my God! I did not only wept because I lost my father, I also wept that my education might stop, I wept that all my years in school might be wasted. I wept that I fell sick and was admitted at the hospital for a week. A week after I was discharged from the hospital, I heard registration for next semester will be closing in one week. I told my mother, but she told me she cannot afford the fee. I was devastated, I was afraid that my greatest fear is coming to reality. I decided to go to Sarah for help, but to my greatest surprise, she told me she wanted to use the money she had for something else. It hurts me so much that I wept right in front of her. All she could tell me was she can’t give me the money. I wept home and told my mother what Sarah told me, she could not believe this, she could not believe this was the girl she helped some years back. She told me to wipe my tears, and that life goes on. I was dropped out of school and I started apprenticeship in a salon shop not far from our house. After two years, I invested my own salon and with more effort and the help and support of my mother, my shop grew up. My salon became one of the best of the well known salon. I was in my salon one day when Ada came in, I did not even notice her. I was busy working when I heard someone call my name, I turned and saw Ada, I shouted and hugged her. Oh Goodness, I was seeing Ada again after so many years. We chatted for a while and she told me she saw Sarah, she told me Sarah was dropped out of school and arrested by the Police, that she was caught with Cocaine. I told her what happened to me, how I was dropped out of school, she was surprise that Sarah could do such a thing to me, me of all people. I told her I was well over it, and Sarah deserved all that happened to her. Though I am successful in life but, I will never forget how I was dropped out of school. I may forgive Sarah but, I will never forget what she did to me.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Simple Sammy :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In John Updike’s short story â€Å"A&P†, small town New England life is teeming with a whole lot of nothing. Sammy, the man who tells all, seems very uninterested in his job as a check out boy at the local A&P, yet very interested in the people who shop there. He uses his boredom as a vehicle of his imagination that allows him to pry his customers open and expose their true selves. Updike’s Sammy shows himself as an observant, critical and very bored young man through his first person narration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Updike’s choice of first person perspective lends Sammy the ever powerful ability to quietly but relentlessly gather observations of the people and things around him. The first characters encountered are â€Å"three girls in nothing but bathing suits†(369). This scene would obviously catch the attention of any breathing male. But Sammy first takes in â€Å"the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid . . . [with] a sweet broad soft-looking can†(369). With these quick and most likely mindless observations, Sammy exposes himself as a person who judges others based on appearances. As he takes note of the three girls, he sees â€Å"the queen†¦ [with] a kind of prim face. Walking into the A&P with your straps down, I suppose it’s the only kind of face you can have†(370). Sammy’s observations of the girls in bathing suits are not the only ones made throughout the story. However, the notice taken of the girls i s the most kind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps through his mindless job of ringing up items, Sammy finds that making quick judgments of his customers through brief interactions is quite entertaining. He sees one female customer as â€Å"one of those cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows†¦she’d been watching cash registers for fifty years and probably never seen a mistake before†(369). Sammy gathers this unfair judgment coarsely and without much thought. He uses this same technique while watching the girls in bathing suits, for example, he thinks the older woman is a witch while he thinks that the girl with her straps down is the queen of her group. And why? Because it’s easy for him to assume these things based on what he sees. He also sees a man â€Å"in baggy gray pants who stumbles up with four giant cans of pineapple juice† and wonders to himself â€Å"what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Theme Essay

The main theme of The Grapes of Wrath is the idea that all men are part of the family of man. This is closely related to the philosophical movement of transcendentalism, what the author Ralph Waldo Emerson followed. There are four main points of the story that express this in the story; the ex-preacher’s search for purpose, Ma Joad’s understanding of working together, Pa turning from making money for himself to providing for the group and finally Tom’s decision to leave the family. First the preacher, Casy, displays the point that transcendentalists think we all need to find out our purpose in life. When he is first introduced, he can be recognized as the old preacher, but we soon find out that he abandoned that career. He states that the Oakies â€Å"need help no preachin’ can give ‘em.† It can be inferred that he no longer sees his purpose in life as a preacher and is in search for something new to do. Next, is Ma Joad’s understanding that the family must work together and stay together in order to get through the tough times. This connects the theme to transcendentalism because transcendentalists believe in setting your principals and following them at any cost. When the children crowd around for food, instead of giving the family the rest of the food, she shares it with them because she knows it’s the right thing to do. When Pa Joad is first seen, he is talking about becoming a picker, getting wealthy and having tons of grapes to gorge on, all to himself. Once the family gets on the road though, he realizes that there is a much greater need to provide for the family and get to where there are jobs. Transcendentalists would agree that we all play a role in life, and we are all should work together, because we all are in the family of men. Pa Joad’s actions follow that principle. Lastly, Tom decides that it is best if he leaves the family. Ma expresses her concern that she won’t know if he is doing well or not. His reply tells us that he believes in the oversoul, because she will see him in everything, because they all are part of one greater existence, such as an oversoul. He also sees this action as something he must do, and doing what you believe in is very important to the oversoul idea. Ralph Emerson clearly displayed his ideas and beliefs in his writing in hopes to create a positive movement. With the use of the preacher, Ma, Pa and Tom, he clearly expressed his opinions. This is why it is easy for one to infer that the theme of the book, and the oversoul described in this work are closely related.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Seven External Factors That Could Influence Business And Marketing Efforts

This paper will follow a young business as it begins the process of establishing itself in the legal world. There are several factors that business must consider before choosing what type of originations the business will become. In the case of this new company they have opted to become an S corporation. An outline of what lead to this decision will be discussed in-depth. In addition the steps that were taken to complete this task. Business Scenario As the reality of the business begins, it becomes very clear that we must start making the necessary steps to legalize the organization.The first step is to registering the business name. After registering Gentle Clean, we must make a decision on whether to become a corporation or a partnership. The first thing that must be considered is making sure that the business is its own entity. It’s very important that the business and its affairs do not affect our personal lives. As well as anything personal rolling over to the business. A LLC is seen as its own legal entity and is treated as completely separate and distinct from its members.An LLC can be sued, can sue, can enter into contracts, and be found liable both civilly and criminally all on its own, separate from the members of the LLC. In addition a LLC can be member- or manager-managed, which determines who has authority to bind the LLC in contracts. A LCC can be taxed as a partnership, resulting in the income being taxed to the partners’ own tax returns, or corporation, meaning it would be taxed as its own entity. C corporation and S corporation have limited liability protection for the owners, and each is seen as a separate legal entity from the owners.The main difference between the two is taxation. The C corporation files its own tax return, and while the S corporation must file corporate tax returns, it does not pay taxes at the corporate level. Rather, the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on t heir own individual tax returns. Reviewing the two options one point must be seriously reviewed. The matter of taxation is of serious importance, and which way we proceed. Both an LLC and S corp and C corp are their own entities. Yet very different in other aspects.We must decide whether to pay taxes at a cooperate level, or have the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on their own individual tax returns. Federal taxable income is between 15% and 35%, state and local taxes vary on income. Shareholders of most corporations are not taxed directly on corporate income, but must pay tax on dividends paid by the corporation. However, shareholders of S Corporations and mutual funds are taxed currently on corporate income, and do not pay tax on dividends.Since it will be several months if not years that the company will make a real profit. It would be in the best interest of the company to file as an S corp. Thus allowing the company to be its own entity as well as establishing the company and protecting the interest of our product. With that being said we must meet with a corporate attorney and file all necessary documents and begin the process of becoming an S corporation. Gentle Clean is now on its way to becoming a competitor in the world of Green cleaning supplies.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to write like an industry expert - Emphasis

How to write like an industry expert How to write like an industry expert Developing your writing skills is key if you want to become a recognised industry expert, says Rob Ashton. If you take a poll to find the worlds top music executive, the chances are that most people will say Simon Cowell. There may be other executives with more talent and panache. You can even argue that his fellow judges are more musically adept. But Cowell has positioned himself as the expert. The public are divided revering and reviling him in equal measure. But what he says goes. No-one can deny his status and authority in the music industry. As a sales professional, you could do well to take a leaf out of Cowells book. The market for office supply equipment is crowded, with many brands jostling for space. Your prospects need a shortcut to enable them to decide who to buy from and what to buy. There often isnt time for them to kick-back with a cup of tea and analyse the messages youre communicating through your sales and marketing material. But you can stand out by positioning yourself as an expert. Prospective customers will start to see you as a trusted advisor before theyve even engaged your services. And they will be more likely to buy from you as a result. Expert status can lead to other opportunities, such as giving speeches or hosting workshops, which again make selling easier. Its a virtuous circle. Yet, we Brits can be a self-deprecating bunch. We often prefer to operate our businesses and careers with as little fanfare as possible. The thought of public speaking can send shivers down our spines. But through writing, even the most unassuming character can shine. And writing reports, articles, white papers and blogs can help you to become the preferred provider in the industry. Whats more, good writing doesnt just have to be an innate skill: its something you can learn. These seven steps will help you write your way to expert status. One Consistently show how your company differentiates itself in the marketplace. Dont be afraid to recommend doing things differently. Two Be curious about your clients. What really makes them tick? Get to know your clients inside out by asking lots of questions, rather than making assumptions about what they need and want. Three Then write from their perspective, not yours. Think beyond the products or services you offer and focus on how your business has an impact on the lives of your clients. Whether youre writing a brochure, pamphlet or article, you need to focus on your clients needs. Begin by asking yourself: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject? (Note that readers arent always interested in whats important to them. So you often need to make them interested.) To become a trusted advisor, your writing needs to be clear and punchy. You can achieve this with careful planning. Brainstorm everything you want to include in your document using the headings Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why?. Then only include what you think is essential for your readers to know. Your document will be much clearer as a result. Four Comment on relevant industry stories by writing letters to magazines. Use the SCRAP formula: Situation Begin by explaining the situation (or where the industry is). Complication Introduce the idea that theres a problem (why the industry cant stay as it is). Resolution State your answer to the problem. The reader will think of you as an expert because you can offer a practical, considered solution. Action Suggest what action the reader can or should take. Offer a viewpoint that is new and intriguing. Politeness Finally, end with a polite but thought-provoking sign-off. Five Suggest article ideas to trade newspapers and magazines. The articles that will best position you as an expert are how to features. You could reveal the secrets behind photocopier maintenance, or how to eke the most out of ink cartridges, for instance. Send a synopsis of the article to the magazine first. Write a snappy headline and standfirst (the two lines under the headline). Then write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph and a few bullet points about what your article will include. The magazine editor can then give you further guidelines to ensure your article is a hit with the readers. Six Blogs have a worldwide audience of millions. So its well worth setting up a blog and using it to connect with your clients. Pay careful attention to every post you make. Only write things you dont mind being broadcast on the 10 Oclock News. Dont ever gripe about clients or competitors. Seven In your writing, include examples of how you and your company make a real difference to people. Make your writing personal. Its more powerful to write that one in five people found that their ink lasted longer than to use the term 20 per cent. Speak directly to the reader by using words such as you, we, us and our. And use the active voice as much as possible. For instance, weve helped over 1000 customers with their printing needs is far more effective than Over 1000 customers have been helped with their printing needs. Positioning yourself as an expert is a skill that will serve you throughout your whole career. Even if you decide you want to sell condos in the Caribbean in the future, the skills youll learn are transferable. You may not achieve the wealth and fame of someone like Simon Cowell. But you can forge your way as a leader in your industry. And with a little thought, care and attention, your expert status will pay dividends.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition of Literacy Test

Definition of Literacy Test   A literacy test measures a person’s proficiency in reading and writing. Beginning in the 19th century, literacy tests were used in the voter registration process in southern states of the U.S. with the intent to disenfranchise black voters. In 1917, with the passing of the Immigration Act, literacy tests were also included in the U.S. immigration process, and are still used today. Historically, literacy tests have served to legitimize racial and ethnic marginalization in the U.S. HISTORY OF RECONSTRUCTION AND JIM CROW ERA Literacy tests were introduced into the voting process in the South with the Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws and statutes enacted by southern and border states in the late 1870s to deny African Americans the right to vote in the South following Reconstruction (1865-1877). They were designed to keep whites and blacks segregated, to disenfranchise black voters, and to keep blacks subjugated, undermining the 14th and 15th Amendments of the United States Constitution. Despite the ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868, granting citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States which included former slaves, and the ratification of the 15th Amendment in 1870, which specifically gave African Americans the right to vote, Southern and Border states continued to find ways to keep racial minorities from voting. They used electoral fraud and violence to intimidate African American voters, and created Jim Crow laws to promote racial segregation. During the twenty years following Reconstruction, African Americans lost many of the legal rights that had been gained during Reconstruction. Even the Supreme Court of the United States â€Å"helped undermine the Constitutional protections of blacks with the infamous Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) case, which legitimized Jim Crow laws and the Jim Crow way of life.† In this case, the Supreme Court maintained that public facilities for blacks and whites could be â€Å"separate but equal.† Following this decision, it soon became the law throughout the South that public facilities had to be separate. Many of the changes made during Reconstruction proved to be short-lived, with the Supreme Court continuing to uphold racial discrimination and segregation in its decisions, thus giving southern states free reign to impose literacy tests and all manner of voting restrictions on prospective voters, discriminating against black voters. But racism was not just recurring in the South. Although the Jim Crow Laws were a Southern phenomenon, the sentiment behind them was a national one. There was a resurgence of racism in the North as well and â€Å" emerging national, indeed international, consensus (among whites at any rate) that Reconstruction had been a serious mistake. LITERACY TESTS AND VOTING RIGHTS Some states, such as Connecticut, used literacy tests in the mid-1800s to keep Irish immigrants from voting, but Southern states didn’t use literacy tests until after Reconstruction in 1890, sanctioned by the federal government, where they were used well into the 1960s. They were used ostensibly to test the voters ability to read and write, but in reality to discriminate against African American voters and sometimes poor whites. Since 40-60% of blacks were illiterate, compared to 8-18% of whites, these tests had a large differential racial impact. Southern states also imposed other standards, all of which were arbitrarily set by the test administrator. Those who were property owners or whose grandfathers had been able to vote   (â€Å"grandfather clause†),   those deemed to have â€Å"good character,† or those who paid poll taxes were able to vote. Because of these impossible standards, â€Å"in 1896, Louisiana had 130,334 registered black voters. Eight years later, only 1,342, 1 percent, could pass the state’s new rules.†Ã‚  Even in areas where the black population was substantially greater, these standards kept the white voting population in the majority. The administration of literacy tests was unfair and discriminatory. â€Å"If the official wanted a person to pass, he could ask the easiest question on the test- for example, Who is the president of the United States?† The same official might require a black person to answer every single question correctly, in an unrealistic amount of time, in order to pass.†Ã‚  It was up to the test administrator whether the prospective voter passed or failed, and even if a black man was well-educated, he would most likely fail, because â€Å"the test was created with failure as a goal.† Even if a potential black voter knew all the answers to the questions, the official administering the test could still fail him. Literacy tests were not declared unconstitutional in the South until ninety-five years after the15th Amendment was ratified, by the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Five years later, in 1970, Congress abolished literacy tests and discriminatory voting practices nationwide, and as a result, the number of registered African American voters increased dramatically. ACTUAL LITERACY TESTS In 2014 a group of Harvard University students was asked to take the 1964 Louisiana Literacy Test to raise awareness about voting discrimination.   The test is similar to those given in other Southern states since Reconstruction to potential voters who could not prove they had a fifth grade education. In order to be able to vote, a person had to pass all 30 questions in 10 minutes. All of the students failed under those conditions, because the test was meant to be failed. The questions have nothing at all to do with the U.S. Constitution and are completely nonsensical. You can try the test yourself here.    LITERACY TESTS AND IMMIGRATION In the late 19th century many people wanted to restrict the influx of immigrants to the U.S. due to increased problems of urbanization and industrialization such as crowding, lack of housing and jobs, and urban squalor. It was during this time that the idea of using literacy tests to control the number of immigrants able to enter the United States, particularly those from southern and eastern Europe, was formed. However, it took those who advocated for this approach many years to try to convince lawmakers and others that immigrants were the â€Å"cause† of many of America’s social and economic maladies. Finally, in 1917, Congress passed the Immigration Act, also known as the Literacy Act (and Asiatic Barred Zone Act), which included a literacy test that is still a requirement for becoming a U.S. citizen today. The Immigration Act demanded that those who were over the age of 16 and could read some language must read 30-40 words to show they were capable of reading. Those who were entering the U.S. to avoid religious persecution from their country of origin did not have to pass this test. The literacy test that is part of the Immigration Act of 1917 included only a few languages available to immigrants. This meant that if their native language was not included, they could not prove they were literate, and were denied entry. Beginning in 1950, immigrants could legally only take the literacy test in English, further limiting those who could gain entry to the United States. Besides demonstrating the ability to read, write, and speak English, immigrants also have to display knowledge of U.S. history, government, and civics. English literacy tests have effectively been used in the U.S. as a means to keep immigrants   that the government deemed unwanted out of the country, for the tests are demanding and rigorous.   Would you be able to pass them? REFERENCES 1.Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, Ferris State University, 2.Foner, Eric., The Supreme Court and the History of Reconstruction and Vice-VersaColumbia Law Review, November 2012, 1585-1606ericfoner.com/articles/SupCtRec.html 3.4. Techniques of Direct Disenfranchisement 1880-1965,   University of Michigan, umich.edu/~lawrace/disenfranchise1.htm 4. Constitutional Rights Foundation, A Brief History of Jim Crow, crf-usa.org/black-history-month/a-brief-history-of-jim-crow 5. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow, PBS, pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/voting_literacy.html 6. Ibid. 7. http://epublications.marquette.edu/dissertations/AAI8708749/ RESOURCES AND FURTHER READING Alabama Literacy Test, 1965, pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/voting_literacy.html Constitutional Rights Foundation, A Brief History of Jim Crow, crf-usa.org/black-history-month/a-brief-history-of-jim-crow Foner, Eric, The Supreme Court and the History of Reconstruction and Vice-Versa Columbia Law Review, November 2012, 1585-1606ericfoner.com/articles/SupCtRec.html Head, Tom, 10 Racist US Supreme Court Rulings, ThoughtCo., March 03, 2017, https://www.thoughtco.com/racist-supreme-court-rulings-721615 Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, Ferris State University, ferris.edu/jimcrow/what.htm Onion, Rebecca, Take the Impossible â€Å"Literacy† Test Louisiana Gave Black Voters in the 1960s, slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2013/06/28/voting_rights_and_the_supreme_court_the_impossible_literacy_test_louisiana.html PBS, The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow, pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/voting_literacy.html Schwartz, Jeff, CORE’s Freedom Summer, 1964 - My Experiences in Louisiana, crmvet.org/nars/schwartz.htm Weisberger, Mindy, Immigration Act of 1917 Turns 100: Americas Long History of Immigration Prejudice, LiveScience, Feb. 5, 2017, livescience.com/57756-1917-immigration-act-100th-anniversary.html

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Human Right in Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Right in Development - Essay Example This paper shall now discuss the thesis: To what extent might water as a priced commodity be consistent with the human right to water? The political economic foundations of this thesis will also be discussed. This study is being undertaken in order to come up with a clear understanding of the subject matter, including its essential points of discussion. Body The world’s natural supply of underground water which is relied on by about two billion people is being depleted, according to a report by the United Nations (BBC, 2003). This report further revealed that the water tables are falling by about three metres with each year throughout many developing nations. The increase in populations, the rapid rate of industrialization, and intensive farming are just some of the reasons for this dramatic decrease in water supplies. In the US in Arizona, the report further revealed that the amount of water being extracted from the ground is twice what is actually being naturally replaced (B BC, 2003). In the Arabian gulf, their underground water is being contaminated by the salty water which is gathered from the coast to supplement the city’s water supply (BBC, 2003). Developing nations are the countries mainly utilizing underground water sources and their rates of use are increasing significantly. Dhaka in Bangladesh has also been using underground water sources to an extent where in many regions, the water table has fallen to about 40 metres. The issue of limited water supply is one which does not appear to have a clear resolution in the immediate future. And many more issues shall be borne from it before a satisfactory solution can be established. Millions of people in the world do not have regular access to clean water. In some regions of the world, getting water for daily use calls for a significant expenditure of time and effort. The issue is also not singularly based on access to water, but access to clean drinking water (Okonski, 2009). Dirty water is a source of bacteria and viruses. The UN also expressed that the world shortage of water supply has caused the deaths of more people through disease, than deaths through wars. In effect, shortage of water supply is one of the major problems of the world. Various researches have been carried out on water and on the issue of water scarcity. These studies have focused on establishing a better understanding of the causes of this shortage and the impact of this issue (Okonski, 2009). In the same manner however, the issue has also been the target of varying opinions and points of contention on water being a human right. Theorists advocating the contention that ‘water is a right’ argue that since water is a natural resource which is essential to our survival as humans, the access to clean water must also be considered a basic human right (Okonski, 2009). The government must therefore do whatever it can to provide clean water, and its access must not be secured with profit consid erations. These theorists raise crucial points in this discussion. If credence is to be given to the argument that water is a human right, does every person then have the right to imbibe as much water as he wants, without making any considerations as to time and place? If the answer is no, what quantity then of water is each individual entitled to? And how are arguments among users of water to be resolved? How then would the efficient use of water be

Thursday, October 31, 2019

(Can the writer help me decide) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

(Can the writer help me decide) - Essay Example ls of counterinsurgency in two articles, â€Å"The New (and Old) Classics of Counterinsurgency† and â€Å"Scholar, Pope, Soldier, Spy.† She depicts the idea of counterinsurgency that militarizes â€Å"social work† in other countries. Counterinsurgency is â€Å"armed social work† that merges military and media-rich storytelling that can undermine nationalist endeavors and control women and other local sectors through specific social and economic programs and projects and America-as-savior media narrative. Counterinsurgency is â€Å"armed social work† because it has the usual armed component that employs brutal strategies and tactics against local guerillas (Khalili â€Å"The New†16). Khalili narrates that counterinsurgency has its roots in colonization. She explains that many people naturally oppose foreign forces that intend to control their local political, social, and economic systems, and when this happens, one of the past counterinsurgent strategy is â€Å"butcher-and-bolt† (Khalili â€Å"Scholar† 427). It pertains to the swift and violent destroying of villages, crops, and livestock for the â€Å"infractions† of the locals, such as leading revolts or supporting insurgents (Khalili â€Å"Scholar† 427). Though not directly illustrated, this strategy is common in the counterinsurgency against Native Americans, whose lands were burned and whose people were nearly decimated. The â€Å"race† factor is clear because those who were not w hites were easily slaughtered, while their lands and remaining human and natural resources were taken away. Counterinsurgency, nevertheless, is more â€Å"social work† than armed warfare because the military and related personnel are trained to influence the hearts and minds of the local people, especially women and other marginalized sectors, through social programs and the media. By social work, this includes outright colonial administration. General David Petraeus acted as a colonial administrator in Mosul, Iraq, where he rebuilt some of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analyzing Advertisements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Analyzing Advertisements - Essay Example Tommy Hilfiger and Guess? by Marciano are two high-end clothing lines that use a strong image and theme to sell their brands, both of them memorable, but both completely different from one another. In this way, both Tommy Hilfiger and Guess? become strongly associated with their respective themes, which creates their image and brands as distinctive and compelling. The first ad campaign is for Tommy Hilfiger. One campaign is a commercial for the 2011 spring line (tommyhilfiger). The other campaign that will be analyzed for Hilfiger is his ad campaign for the fall of 2010 (AndreDouglasFanClub). The Tommy Hilfiger ad for his spring 2011 line features a fake family of Hilfigers. Each member of the family identifies themselves by name, and, after they each introduce themselves, there is a little girl who says â€Å"and we are the Hilfigers.† The â€Å"family† features two black men, a dark man who appear Hispanic or Italian, several WASPY women, two men with longish hair who look like 1970s throwbacks, and two children – a boy with crazy curly hair, and a young girl dressed in a coat. The ad unmistakably attempts to tie these people together as a family, and a wealthy family at that. The cast of characters are seen throughout the ad, in different, stylish clothing that usually marries something super casual, like a striped gol f shirt, under something more formal, like a blazer. They are unmistakably at a country club, as they are playing games like ping pong and tennis. Meanwhile, there are bikinied women around playing the games with the Hilfigers. There is also another man, unidentified, who has a high afro and is joining in the fun. There are even two dogs, two basset hounds, presumably the family dogs. Throughout the commercial, new people are introduced, and they all have the same look - casual, mixed with formal elements, usually wearing sunglasses. Blazers with with a crisp white shirt mixed

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thatcherism vs New Labour Party

Thatcherism vs New Labour Party The British political system went through various and complex changes over time, starting from the post-war consensus, going through Thatcherism and other parties policies activities and ending with the current government led by David Cameron. This research paper will mainly focus on the policies and the ideologies of both Margret Thatcher and the New Labor party and how they affected the British political life so far that is by its role definitely affected in the formation of the economic shape and clarified the peaks and troughs that represented a wide variety of aspects of life in the United Kingdom. Thatcherism is the political policies and way of government of Margaret Thatcher, which include privatisation, monetarism and lack of support for trade unions. Margret Thatcher was the prime minister of the United Kingdom during the period (1979-1990) and her nickname was the Iron Lady Her policies marked a special era for Britain at that time. The New Labour party is the alternative new branding name for the Labour party. This name was introduced by Tony Blair in a conference about a new life for Britain in 1994 and was put into action after the Labour party won the 1997 elections and stayed still till 2010. So whose policies were better? How were they perceived by the public? How did they manage to practice dominance over the British politics? The answers to these questions will be listed when we go through Thatcherism and New Labour policies, ideologies, activities and effects over the political and economic aspects in the United Kingdom and figure out their similarities and differences. Literature Review There is a book that described Margret Thatcher as the most exceptional woman in the history of politics in the United Kingdom. It talked about her achievements, early career and how she acquired power. It also focused on explaining how the Conservative party at that time, led my Thatcher, was able to defeat the Labour party in 4 consecutive general elections.  [1]   Another paper presented the challenges that shaped the policies of both Margret Thatcher and Tony Blair. It elaborated on the main issues that Margret Thatcher focused on like privatization and lack of support for trade unions. On the other hand, it mentioned the Manifesto on which the New Labour party fought on the 1997 elections pledged not to increase rates of income tax, and to hold public spending totals for the first two years in office to those planned by its predecessor  [2]   In another book, there was a clear explanation of how the New Labour party attempted to gain back power and confidence in voters relying on and adhering to some Thatcherism policies.  [3]   Another book elaborated mainly on how the Labour party recovered from the 4 major defeats on the hands of the Conservative one and what changes they introduced in their policies to help them achieve the new outcomes of regaining power to the Labour party.  [4]   One more book described the era of Margret Thatcher and illustrated what were the successes and failures during her period in office and how she was able to confront the uprising economic and social challenges at that time.  [5]   Now we should go deep into the main ideas, policies, ideologies and features of both Thatcherism and New Labour. The Ideological Orientation of Thatcherism New Labour Thatcherism was built upon: Classical Liberalism, which is concerned about the importance of individual freedom, and Conservatism, which is an advocate for the notions of national sovereignty, the traditional morals and the laissez-faire principles Thatcher developed her policies over time with her first government focusing on the reform of trade unions and monetary control (monetarism), the second focusing on privatisation and housing and the third focusing on the restoration of the welfare state in the UK.  [6]  . Considering the New Labour ideology, Blair made a decisive break away from Old Labours traditional political stance and he called it as the party of New Labour after becoming leader of the party in 1994. In policy terms, New Labour acted like the mediator between Old Labour, who was statist socialism (they believe to be too radical), and Thatcherism, which was strongly concerned by the principle of laissez-faire and individualism as stated above. So Blair accepted many of his predecessors ideas about: free trade, the retrieval of a successful and elastic labour market through capitalism and more individual self-help, etc.  [7]   There were some obvious similarities between Thatcherism and New Labour, which were even more important than the differences between both of them. The New Labour party adopted many key elements of the Conservative policies in order to overcome its harsh defeat and decline that was very sharp especially and directly after the winter of discontent. The Labour party in the 20th century didnt lose because of Thatcherism strength or popularity but because There was no great endorsement of Thatcherism in 1979. As late as October 1978, Labour was still ahead in some opinion polls, but the Winter of Discontent turned the public against Labour and the unions. The election was more of a rejection of Labour than an endorsement of Thatcherism  [8]   Similarities in The Policies Thatcher focused greatly on the economic reforming issue. She went through 4 main aspects and issues which are: the privatisation of the British Industrial methods, the narrowing of the union power and lack of support for it, the reduction of public spending in order to allow cuts in taxation and controlling the prices inflations. The New Labour was able to move away from the past when it declared the refusal and denial of the Clause IV from its constitution, which had become a keystone in the philosophy of the left. Commitment to public ownership was replaced by the view that the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition are joined with the forces of partnership and co-operation to produce the wealth the nation needs and the opportunity for all to work and prosper. This marked the clear refusal by the New Labour for Socialism and marked its clear movement towards Thatcherism.  [9]   Considering the issue of taxation for instance, Gordon Brown made a clear and public commitment to remain within the Conservatives spending plans for the first two years of a new Parliament and not to increase the basic rate of income tax, showing again the adoption by New Labour of a key element of Conservative policy and also that was the Manifesto on which the New Labour party fought the 1997 elections.  [10]   It seems that New Labours economic policy is built upon a similar or a close one to that of Thatcher economic policy, where there is close-working relationship between the government and employers and trade union power was reduced and lacked significantly. It is also built upon the explicit endorsement of the importance of market competition and the desirability of private enterprise which is very close to the privatization policy by Thatcher. This policy shift is thought by many to represent a considerable acceptance of the broad legacy of the Thatcher years by Blair. Therefore it is evident that on these key issues, New Labour seemed to want to stay with the Thatcherism policies already put in place.  [11]   Differences in The Policies Government Intervention in the Market There were also clear differences in the economic policies of both Thatcherism and New Labour. For instance, New Labour refused Thatchers principle of Laissez-faire principle where the role of government and its intervention hardly featured. In accordance with this principle, Gordon Brown claimed that the government intervention is a must to provide more public services which will be more beneficial than cutting taxes for few people only. The New Labour party believed that its the duty of the government to interfere to prevent the under-investment of education and training that may take place in case of they relied only on the market forces alone. So they sustained investment in skills, science, research and development, and public infrastructure encouraged strong performance in high-value manufacturing sectors far removed from financial markets in the UK  [12]   Taxation Policy The difference between Thatcherism and New Labour can also be seen when we look at the taxation policy. Thatcher believed in the motivation for low rates of direct taxation and she regarded this as a key part of her strategy of increasing competitiveness. Thatcherism also believed that direct cuts in taxations will help set the values of equality and the individual freedom in order to reach the welfare state. However, the New Labour was obliged to work according to 1997 elections manifesto where the government should not increase its public spending for the first two years of its formation. This manifesto briefly stated that the officials in Blairs government should be Wise spenders, not big spenders Blair always believed that its not wise or rational to increase taxations because it will dangerously harm the economic situation and because the New Labour was more concerned with the likely vote-losing consequences of high taxation. However there were two contradicting opinions about t he tax increase issue, one suggest by Blair and the other by Brown. Brown believed that Labour should retain the power to raise the top rate however, Blair and his advocates argued that increasing taxation rates is not the best guaranteed method to gain revenues: to put up rates would not automatically achieve the desired result as evasion will increase  [13]   The Social Welfare Equality Social welfare policy marked an obvious difference point between Thatcherism and the New Labour. New Labour believed in communitarianism which is the existence of society with networks of social relations. New Labour used the term Positivity of Freedom where people can get their chance to do things they need to do which are available for them through various resources, and the government intervention to provide these resources. New Labour didnt ignore the socially excluded persons, it helped them empower and fill the lack of positive freedom and it made sure that everybody came out beneficial from economic growths.  [14]   The New Labour also marked unemployment as the biggest brick that forms inequality between people and according to Blair, the best guarantee to earn a decent wage was employability The New Labour believed in the importance of coping with the world changing process towards information age and in order to develop more and more, they sought a society full of employed, skilled and trained workers so they tended to provide resources for people in order to achieve that development and progress goal.  [15]   On the other side, Thatcherism advocated for individualism and individual responsibility in place of collective provision and availability as stated in the ideologies part above ( The individual is the one who is responsible for welfare, not the society) resulting in limiting the role of the welfare state and New Labour refused this vision because they believed it would increase the internal divisions of the society and weaken the bonds between people although Blair was adhered to Thatcherism one of whose aims was to shift responsibility for welfare from state to individual at the beginning considering the issue of equality.  [16]   Dealing with the Electorate and the Voting Class Another obvious and big difference between Thatcherism and New Labour is about how both of them dealt with the electorate. Margaret Thatcher preferred to convince the electorate to support her ideas and far sighting (to persuade them to accept her vision as it is) while New Labour tended to adapt their policies and regulations according to the voters visions and ideas, not the party itself and that is because the continuous processes of social change were tending to reduce the numbers of voters who favoured the government interventionist policies where the working labour class was gradually shrinking and getting oppressed while the middle classes who get paid for their work were expanding.  [17]   So its clear that the New Labour party introduced vast modifications to their policies considering the electorate issue and they adopted Thatchers method in order to win back the votes of people who lost confidence in them after the winter of discontent and to appeal to their new electoral target of middle income, middle Britain. So its pretty obvious that, although similarities of ideas and policies towards many political issues are crystal-clear between New Labour and the Thatcherism, these similarities acted as the outcome of New Labour belief in the importance of getting confidence and trust back towards the voting class. Then it could be said that the differences are actually more important than the similarities as they reflect the true nature of the ideologies of the parties and how they acted to achieve their main purposes and goals. Conclusion Its visibly noticeable about what we have been through along this study that The New Labour party has rose up at the ruins of Thatcherism, or in other terms, The New Labour has picked up where Thatcherism fell off. No one can deny that the New Labour did really benefit from Thatcherism dominance from 1979 to 1997. Margret Thatcher was able to lead its party to three decisive consecutive victories in general elections followed by the fourth success led by Major. The reasons of Thatcherism dominance over the British political life didnt rise up from nothing. They rose up thanks to Thatchers policies and regulations. The people admired what Thatcher did considering the hindering of government intervention in the stock market, privatizing British factories and companies, direct cuts in taxations and much more. Also, Thatchers economic policies played a leading role in getting favour and support from the electorate and the voters, some statistics about the effects of these economic policies, like a 32% increase in the number of workers in manufacturing, a 40% increase in household incomes, could prove that clear.  [18]   Nothing is perfect. Although Britain was a richer country under the Conservative government rule by Thatcher and there was surely an increase in the productivity (that was negative because more goods were produced by fewer workers rather than increased capital investment), inequality also spread into Britain. Unemployment for example had hit more than 4.5 million Britons and 1 million out of those 4.5 was never involved in any paid employment. One in six Britons were on social assistance, the highest proportion in the EU and three times the rate found in Germany  [19]   In overall, the majority of British people benefited from Thatcherism than suffered. Thatcher was able to create a country that was never formed under any Labour government rule before and this was successful mainly because of, as we mentioned before, Thatcherism policies especially the ones regarding economic issues. Thats what pushed the Labour party autonomously to follow the same footsteps left clearly by the Conservative one and they did that in order to win peoples confidence back into their party, attract the voters and to gain power again over the British political arena and that reason was like the green light to the birth of the New Labour party which had SIMILIARITIES along with Thatcherism (which prove that New Labour really picked up where Thatcherism fell off) and had DIFFERENCES (Which prove that the New Labour party is ideologically different from Thatcherism and it didnt copy or remake the latter steps, it did only follow the Conservatives in some specific points abo ut which they were pretty sure that it will get their glory and shine back again into Britain political field).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Siddhartha Essays: Significance of the River :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

The Significance of the River in Siddhartha In the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the significance of the river is displayed throughout the experiences that Siddhartha has next to the river and the things that by listening to the sound he comes to understand. Siddhartha is learning something from the moment he rides the ferry to the time when Govinda lays on the ground with tears flowing uncontrollably. Siddhartha admits to having no money to pay for the voyage, but the Ferryman says that friendship is payment enough, and takes him into town. After leaving town, Siddhartha returns to the river where had met the Ferryman earlier. Intrigued by the river's beauty and silent wisdom, Siddhartha decides to stay by the river. Siddhartha soon meets the Ferryman Vasuveda, the same man who took him across the river earlier. Siddhartha offers to be Vasuveda's apprentice, an offer that the Ferryman graciously accepts. The two grow together as Siddhartha begins to learn the river's wisdom, and soon Siddhartha begins to emulate Vasuveda's demeanor, expressing a contented peace in the routine of daily life. Years pass. One day, the two Ferrymen hear that the Buddha is dying. Kamala, on hearing the news as well, travels with her son to be near Goatama. As she passes near the river, she is bitten by a snake and dies, but not before Vasuveda takes her to Siddhartha. After Kamala dies, Siddhartha keeps his son with him by the river. The boy, though, refuses to accept Siddhartha as his father and consequently does nothing he is told. Many months pass, but the boy remains intransigent. Eventually the boy runs away. Vasuveda tells Siddhartha to let him go, but Siddhartha follows him. Upon reaching the town, Siddhartha recalls his own experiences there and admits to himself what he knew all along, that he could not help the boy. Siddhartha feels a great sorrow at this loss, and the happiness he had known as a Ferryman leaves him. Vasuveda soon arrives and leads the despondent Siddhartha to back to the river. The pain of losing his son was long lasting for Siddhartha. It enabled him, however, to identify with ordinary people more than ever before. Though Siddhartha was beginning to understand what wisdom really is, the thought of son did not leave him. One day he sets off in search of his son, but stops as he heard the river laughing at him. Free Siddhartha Essays: Significance of the River :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays The Significance of the River in Siddhartha In the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the significance of the river is displayed throughout the experiences that Siddhartha has next to the river and the things that by listening to the sound he comes to understand. Siddhartha is learning something from the moment he rides the ferry to the time when Govinda lays on the ground with tears flowing uncontrollably. Siddhartha admits to having no money to pay for the voyage, but the Ferryman says that friendship is payment enough, and takes him into town. After leaving town, Siddhartha returns to the river where had met the Ferryman earlier. Intrigued by the river's beauty and silent wisdom, Siddhartha decides to stay by the river. Siddhartha soon meets the Ferryman Vasuveda, the same man who took him across the river earlier. Siddhartha offers to be Vasuveda's apprentice, an offer that the Ferryman graciously accepts. The two grow together as Siddhartha begins to learn the river's wisdom, and soon Siddhartha begins to emulate Vasuveda's demeanor, expressing a contented peace in the routine of daily life. Years pass. One day, the two Ferrymen hear that the Buddha is dying. Kamala, on hearing the news as well, travels with her son to be near Goatama. As she passes near the river, she is bitten by a snake and dies, but not before Vasuveda takes her to Siddhartha. After Kamala dies, Siddhartha keeps his son with him by the river. The boy, though, refuses to accept Siddhartha as his father and consequently does nothing he is told. Many months pass, but the boy remains intransigent. Eventually the boy runs away. Vasuveda tells Siddhartha to let him go, but Siddhartha follows him. Upon reaching the town, Siddhartha recalls his own experiences there and admits to himself what he knew all along, that he could not help the boy. Siddhartha feels a great sorrow at this loss, and the happiness he had known as a Ferryman leaves him. Vasuveda soon arrives and leads the despondent Siddhartha to back to the river. The pain of losing his son was long lasting for Siddhartha. It enabled him, however, to identify with ordinary people more than ever before. Though Siddhartha was beginning to understand what wisdom really is, the thought of son did not leave him. One day he sets off in search of his son, but stops as he heard the river laughing at him.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Corruption in the Indian Judiciary

Judiciary is in some way at a higher pedestal amongst these three organs because it is the only mechanism to keep the executive and legislature within their jurisdictions by confining them not to abuse or misuse their powers. It controls, corrects or quashes the executive, however high it is, and even sets aside acts of the legislature if it acts contra-constitutionally. Judiciary is the guardian and final interpreter of the Constitution.It is a place of utmost trust as it is last resort for the people. It is not negated that corruption is non-existent in certain judicial systems rather it would be fair to say that in some countries corruption is nominal, infrequent and the result of individual, unethical behaviour. It is also evident from the words of the former Chief Justice of India S. P. Bharucha, when he grieved over the rampant corruption in the higher judiciary and brought to notice that around 20 percent judges of the higher judiciary are corrupt. Now the question remains; ca n the judicial accountability be trusted upon any more?Does the judiciary hold the same value, as it had earlier? Is the judiciary abusing its freedom? Can judges be permitted to do anything in the guise of ‘independence’? These are the questions which still remained unanswered. Judicial Corruption Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power for personal gain. In the context of judicial corruption, it relates to acts or omissions that constitute the use (or it is better to say ‘misuse’) of public authority for the private benefit of court personnel, and results in the improper and unfair delivery of judicial decisions.In corrupt judiciaries, citizens are not afforded their democratic right of equal access to the courts, nor do the courts treat them equally. The merits of the case and applicable law are not paramount in corrupt judiciaries, but rather the status of the parties and the benefit judges and court personnel derive from their decisions. In corrupt judiciaries, rich and well-connected citizens triumph over ordinary citizens, and governmental entities and business enterprises prevail over citizens. No civilised society can command the people’s confidence if the judicature’s verdict is privately purchased at a competitive price.Corruption and Indian judiciary A judicial scandal has always been regarded as far more deplorable than a scandal involving either the executive or a member of the legislature. The slightest hint of irregularity or impropriety in the court is a cause for great anxiety and alarm. In last one decade, there are a number of instances where a judge is found to be involved in corrupt practices. This demands a close look in these scandals because if judiciary itself gets corrupted who will judge others. Before taking these scandals we should know the current legal position on corruption as applicable on judges laid down in Veeraswami case.Veeraswami Case This case is important in many ways. This w as the first case where corruption charges were alleged against a judge of higher judiciary. This case dealt with many issues viz. whether judge of a high court or Supreme Court is a ‘public servant’ or not; who is the sanctioning authority for prosecuting a judge of a high court or Supreme Court under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947; whether Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 (hereinafter referred as Act) is applicable on judges or not etc. Before taking these issues in detail, let us know background of the case.The appellant had committed offence under section 5(2) read with clauses (b), (d) and (e) of section 5 (1) of the Act. On perusal of the charge sheet the special judge issued process for appearance of the appellant. The appellant thereupon filed a petition under section 482 of Cr. P. C. before the Madras High Court for quashing the prosecution. The Full Bench of the high court by a majority view has dismissed his case. However, in the view that the const itutional question involved in the case the high court granted certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court.A five judge Bench of the Supreme Court heard the matter and four judgments were delivered. Shetty J. authored the leading judgment, with Venkatachaliah J. , signing with him. B. C. Ray J. wrote a separate but concurring judgment. L. M. Sharma agreed to dismiss the appeal but differ on some issues. Verma J. dissented. RECENT EPISODES In the last one decade, a number of instances unveiled by media and other active organizations where judges were involved in corrupt practices, which show that how corruption has crippled Indian judiciary. Some of them are discussed hereafter;Justice Soumitra Sen’s Issue In an unprecedented move by the CJI, wrote a letter to the prime minister, recommending that the proceedings contemplated by article 217(1) read with article 124(4) of the Constitution be initiated for removal of Justice Soumitra Sen, Judge, Calcutta High Court. 25 This reco mmendation was made on the basis of suggestions made by an In-House Committee, in a report submitted to the CJI that Justice Sen be removed from the office. The Committee has in its report accused Justice Sen of breach of trust and misappropriation of Reciever’s funds for personal gain.The in-house committee found that Soumitra Sen did not have honest intention, since he mixed the money received as Receiver and his personal money and converted the Receiver’s money to his own use. The motion for his removal is not yet initiated. It is expected that the history will not be repeated. If it is repeated it would be a dishonor upon the Indian judiciary and its accountability. Cash-for-Judge Scam CJI Balakrishnan is the first Chief Justice of India who has granted permission to an investigating agency to register of a criminal case against judges of Punjab & Haryana High Court.This is for the first time that power conferred by Veeraswami case is exercised by any CJI. He allow ed the CBI to interrogate two judges of the Punjab & Haryana High Court, Nirmaljit Kaur and Nirmal Yadav, in connection with the cash for- judge scam. A law officer sent Rs. 15 lakh to Justice Nirmaljit Kaur’s official residence and later claimed that it was meant for Justice Nirmal Yadav and had been delivered to Justice Kaur by mistake. Apart from these episodes there are few more instances where judiciary got shammed.Like, Justice Jagdish Bhalla, Chief Justice Himanchal Pradesh High Court was also traced in dealing with such mal-practices when he got a plot on nominal price by a land mafia, who was one of the parties to a case before him. In all above stated instances the judges, being a public servant, were alleged to be involved in corrupt practices even though the recourse of the Act was not taken. There is no justification as to why judiciary did not take recourse of the Act and went for process of removal under article 124, which is next to impossible. *** RTI solutio n has not been edited in keeping with the view of other legal essays.